Соб. кор.

The action of solidarity with anarchists Penza Khimki hostages.

On the night of 19 to 20 September, Penza anarchists organized an action of solidarity with Alexey and Maxim. Activist was raskleyano 200 leaflets in busy parts of the city. In the most prominent places were marked inscription "Freedom Khimki hostages", "Plant trees, not activists and many others with links to sites www.avtonom.org and khimkibattle.org

In Athens, held a rally of solidarity with Solopova and Gaskarova

September 23 Group "anti-authoritarian movement in Athens staged a rally of solidarity with the hostages Khimki near the Russian Embassy. Protesters in front of the Embassy unfurled two banners, a representative of the embassy gave the text to demand the release of anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova. Embassy staff were aware of the problem of prison activists, as of Monday the representatives of leftist organizations have picketed near the embassy.

Cheboksary: The action of solidarity with Khimki hostages.

September 20, Cheboksary, became a day of action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Day in Cheboksary universities activists distributed a leaflet "The situation № 28" (it was distributed about 400 copies). Marposadskoe evening on the highway (one of the main roads in Cheboksary), on the railway bridge were placed banner "No to Repression" and "Freedom Khimki hostages.

Picket in front of Russian consulate in Kharkov

Yesterday, 20.09 Kharkov held rally in support of arrested Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Indifferent to this problem anarchists, anti-fascists, OMovtsy and members of the Autonomous Actions picketed Consulate General of Russia in the street Olminskogo. Picket was held in the framework of international days of action in support of Alexey and Maxim. Speakers condemned the repressive actions of corrupt Russian officials and demanded the release of anti-fascists, against whom criminal cases are fabricated.

The action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages" in Kazan

In Kazan action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages. These days, we decided to inform the widest possible group of people about what country we live in, that the repression goes for what you say and what you have public activist. In the absence of independent media in the course are simple methods, leaflets, stickers, stencils on the wall, almost all the days of graffiti and hanging banners. But the completion of all was to 2uh pickets at the same time in different parts of the city.

In Tyumen Khimkinskiy hostages supported street concert

As many as two rallies in support of detainees Moscow anti-fascists held this Sunday in Tyumen.

At 5:00 on the square of unity and harmony began man picket on the problem, this time on the open stage in a shady park members of the movement "independent action", the anarchists and other active people tuned equipment for the outdoor concert. All this was part of the International Days of Action for the Liberation of Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova (17-20 September).

In Irkutsk the action of solidarity with "Khimki hostages.

Irkutsk has joined the campaign for the release of Alexey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova detained on false charges of destruction of the administration city of Khimki Moscow. Today, 19 September from 15 to 16.chasov street Uritskogo Irkutsk anarchists and anti-fascists held a rally under the slogan: "Freedom Khimki hostages!". Also, an action supported by "green" from the organization Baikal movement. On the picket came about 25 people. Protesters handed out 400 leaflets.

In Berlin, the largest-Anti-Nuclear mass demonstration in recent decades

This happened on Saturday, September 18. According to organizers, it was attended by about 100 thousand people. The police counted about 40,000 protesters. Protesters marched through the city center, and then formed a human chain around the government quarter in which the Bundestag and the Federal Chancellery. People took to the streets to express their resentment against the policies of the federal government in the field of atomic energy.

19 September in Moscow will host a rally for the release of hostages Khimki

September 19, at 16 00, near the monument Griboyedov m. Net ponds, will rally in support of activists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova suspected of organizing attacks on the administration of the city of Khimki. July 28, 2010 in front of the administration in the city of Khimki Moscow more than 200 young anti-fascists and anarchists held a spontaneous demonstration in support of Khimki timber, which in those days were cut down for the needs of big business. The action, during which several windows were smashed, received wide public response.

Ufa. Anti-capitalism 2010

September 12, 2010 was conducted annually by the action of "anti-capitalism-2010".

March of anger, in the best traditions, unauthorized exiting from the area in front of Ufa Palace of Sports to Lenin Square. On the way, the procession activists chanted slogans against the repression, the commercialization of education, as well as anti-capitalist and anti-fascist slogans of a general nature.

"Freedom for the hostages Khimki" - Action in Izhevsk

September 5, 2010 in Izhevsk, held the first of the planned actions in the international campaign of solidarity with the arrested anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopovym, as well as other persecuted advocates of Khimki woods. The rally was organized by activists of Izhevsk "Autonomous Action". It was attended by more than 30 people, among whom were autonomy, the anti-fascists and environmentalists.

In the Independent Press Center held a press conference campaign in defense of "Khimki hostages"

August 30 at the Independent Press Center on Prechistenka held in Moscow , dedicated to large-scale persecution, which organized the law enforcement authorities in connection with the of protest on July 28 before the administration of the city of Khimki.

Demonstration of hip-hop "Take Back the street youth" took place in Simferopol

Лого Антифашисткого действия - Крым

August 29, at Lenin Square in Simferopol rally-concert against a curfew in the city. The event is to attract public attention to the illegal decision of the Simferopol city council to restrict freedom of movement of underage citizens.

Organizers (Antifashistkoe action "and" The Marxists ") have sought not merely to challenge the unlawful decision of city authorities, and to challenge discriminatory attitudes towards young people, current perceptions ofsociety.

Case Shavenkovoy. Flash-mob in Irkutsk

This evening was held in Irkutsk, a flash mob, on the situation
around the so-called "Case Shavenkovoy" thundered across the country. About
thirty people at the time actually blocked the vehicular traffic
in front of the regional administration, "walking" up and down

The reason for that street protest was the unprecedented, with
point of view of participants, the verdict of the Kirov District Court

The rally in defense of the forest Khimki Moscow

August 16, 2010 in Moscow, on Clean Ponds, held a rally in defense of Khimki woods. The event, organized by the "Environmental defense of Moscow Region, brought together about 300 participants. Many of them on their faces or shoulders were drawn numbers 67, reminiscent of the 67% of Muscovites that spoke against laying tracks through the woods Khimki on a survey conducted ekoaktivistami.

August 11 in Sevastopol action of solidarity with the company against the felling of forests Khimki

Near House of Moscow in Sevastopol gathered 20 people from the autonomous actions of the Marxists, environmentalists and their sympathizers. The participants were holding banners reading: "Freedom Gaskarova and Solopovu", "People are more important than profit," Why put Max and Lyesha? "," Plant trees, not people "," No logging Khimki woods! ".

Solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists in Ufa

May 4 Ufa anti-fascists and members of the "autonomous action" was an action of solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopovym unlawfully detained after protests in Khimki. On the bridge at the intersection of Ave Salavat Yulayev and st. Sugita Agishev was posted on a banner with the inscription "Freedom for the Moscow anti-fascists".

Author columns


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