
Documenting Minnesota Punk Rock – One post at a time!

Archive for the ‘Destroy!’ Category


Filed under: Destroy! — Tags: — mnpunk @ 4:02 AM

V/A – Bloodless Unreality

Destroy is a tough one for me to post, because most if not everything is still in print through Havoc.  While that is awesome, it makes it difficult to include them in this documentation of the Minnesota punk scene.  Since this was not released by havoc, I feel safe posting it, knowing that I’m not preventing a record from being sold.

Anyway, While the whole crust thing is something I’ve never really gotten into, I do love Destroy!.  Probably because Felix is a great guy, I used to live with Mark at the THD house, and I’ve seen them play a million times.  They were always fun to watch and Felix had some great topics to growl about…like burning down the Mall of America.  Great stuff.

Destroy is obviously not the only band on this comp., but they do have the first two tracks, so enjoy them.  I believe both of these songs are also available on a Discography CD/LP from Havoc.  I could be wrong though.

Get it here.

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New Look!

Filed under: Destroy!,Hüsker Dü,Mighty Mofos — Tags: , , — mnpunk @ 12:17 AM

I thought it was time for a change.    I’m still playing with it, and it could easily change again, but I was tired of the old look and wanted to try something different.  Once I get the logo looking better, I’ll start posting again.  I’ve got a few good ones queued up, so stand-by.

Until I start posting again, here are some YouTube clips.


This is always a fun thing to find. I shot this video in my basement, gave it to Felix who sold a bunch of them….years later someone else rips the video to post on YouTube, and I find it to post in my blog. Hard to believe this was almost 20 years ago! (damn I’m old)

Mighty Mofo’s
Finally, the Mofo’s are a big part of the reason I am who I am today, so I always celebrate my personal local heros!

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Filed under: Destroy! — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 3:19 AM

Burn this racist system down
I’ve been trying how to figure out how to do a post on Destroy since everything they’re ever done is still available from Felix’s Havoc Records. Finally I found a site that posted my favorite Destroy! record, without actually posting the record…just a link to Felix’s site so you can buy it . That’s what the folks at 7" crust have done, and my hat is off to them for that.

Normally, I’m not into the whole Anarcho/crust/growling punk, but Felix is an awesome guy, I lived with Mark at THD, and I met Nate years ago on the old Subrec BBS (pre-internet days). I don’t have anything bad to say about these guys or their band. Great folks, good music, and no doubt that Felix has probably worked harder than anyone in MPLS to promote punk rock over the years.

This release is hands down my favorite by the band. Ode to Ramen! 13 blazing tracks on one 7" record. You know that’s what hardcore is all about.

Get it here .

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