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Archive for the ‘Quincy Punx’ Category

Quincy Punx

Filed under: Quincy Punx — Tags: — mnpunk @ 11:32 AM


You can’t say enough good things about the Quincy Punx.  This was the record that started it off for Minnesota’s kings of obnoxious/fun/drunk punk rock.

Get this now!  Get it here .

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Filed under: Blind Approach,Code 13,Holding On,Hüsker Dü,Quincy Punx — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — mnpunk @ 4:53 AM

Twin Cities hardcore mix tape vol. 1

Get it here.

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Quincy Punx

Filed under: Quincy Punx — Tags: — mnpunk @ 4:06 AM

Blanks 77 Split 7″
No one in this state has ever done goofy-punk better than Quincy Punx. The Minnesota version of the Meatmen. A couple of albums, a bunch of 7 inchers and compilation tracks to their credit (and probably at least as many bass players). C’mon Bob from the QP’s even released an album by FEAR on his “I’ll Be Dead in Hell Records”. What’s more punk than that?
Once again from the Up the fuckin’ punx blog.
MySpace page
Get it here.

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Quincy Punx

Filed under: Quincy Punx — Tags: — mnpunk @ 1:14 AM

This was the 7" that started it all! Local kings of the drunk punx, these guys knew how play some classic style punk rock with a sense of humor. Great record. Great band. If you don’t own it, you need to!
I hear they still play an occasional show now and then.
Get it here .

Get the Humans
Second EP. 1992.
Get it here .

Dumpster diving at the abortion clinic
Split with Blanks 77. 1995
Get it here .

If you didn’t know where the band got it’s name….check this out.

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Quincy Punx

Filed under: Quincy Punx — Tags: — mnpunk @ 3:38 AM

Shot in 1996. A 5 piece here (I don’t ever remember a 2nd guitarist), with Frank on Bass.

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