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Archive for the ‘First Avenue’ Category

First Avenue

Filed under: First Avenue — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 2:41 PM

First Avenue
Best club in the country

First ave was voted the best club in the country in a poll of 40 touring bands. Read the whole story in the strib.

If you’re an old fart like me, you know that no venue has done more for punk rock in the this state than First Avenue. Back in the 80’s and 90’s, first ave would host a regular Sunday night all-ages show in the Entry, mostly featuring punk bands. Even long after I was of age, I spent many a Sunday in that shit hole seeing some amazing punk rock shows. Locals and out of towners. It was almost always a good time. Congrats First Ave. This was long overdue!

Read it here.

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First Avenue

Filed under: First Avenue — Tags: , , — mnpunk @ 11:17 AM


Okay, First Ave. is not a band, so why I am listing them here?  Simply, no single place has done more for the Minnesota punk scene than First Ave.  They gave the Ramones & Black Flag, a place to play.  They helped foster this whole punk scene, from the Suicide C0mmandos,  Hypstrz, Husker Du, Wilfull Neglect, Bloodline, Blind Approach & Dillinger Four to the Suburbs, Replacements, Soul Asylum & Impaler.  Dance music to hardcaore punk.  First Ave. was a home to it all.  Local and national acts alike played here.  From the big room the to Entry, many of Minnesota’s most notible bands found time to play on the stages of this, the most impressive of Minnesota rock bars.  Heck, I heard Prince even made a movie there once.

The producer of this clip, Rick Fuller, was (is?) part of the Harder/Fuller duo that produced rock videos for many of the bigger and not so bigger local bands in the 90’s.

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