
Documenting Minnesota Punk Rock – One post at a time!


Filed under: — mnpunk @ 1:42 PM

MN Punk celebrates the Minnesota punk scene.  It is not my intent to rip anyone off or piss anyone off.  Pretty much everything you’ll find here can be found elsewhere on the interwebs, or is from my personal record/video collection.    If your stuff is on here, and you want it gone, just drop me a note, and I’ll take it down.  If I got something wrong, let me know.  I’ll fix it.  If you’ve got something you want me to post, let me know.  Most important to me, to the best of my knowledge everything that I’ve posted or linked to is out of print.

So what makes this stupid blog different from the rest?  Well, it’s exclusively Minnesota based.  You won’t find early Black Flag demos, or some rare NYHC  7" from 1992.  If the band or label wasn’t from Minnesota (or just played in Minnesota like they lived here) you just won’t find it here.  It’s all about Minnesota and the bands and folks that really made a scene here.  In fact, if you’re not clued in, head over to where other old folks in the Minnesota punk scene hang out.

When I was working on my cable access show in the early 80’s, I went on a binge for about a year buying just about anything locally released so I could play it on the show.  Most of that stuff is packed up in boxes, probably never to be looked at again.  That’s why I really got to liking these music blogs all over the interwebs.   I’m able to find a lot of the old records that I owned back in the day, but never transferred to CD/MP3, or that I just plain missed out on because of poor distribution or limited supply. No matter what folks in the music industry will tell you about how the internet has killed their business, it has become awesome for old farts like myself that just want to hear some of those old vinyl records, and cassette tapes that I have piled up in the basement but will probably never play again.  It’s also been a great way to check out he bands I missed the first time around…most of which are completely non-existent today.  It’s also been great to revisit some of the 7" records & cassette demo tapes that I bought at shows and record stores over the years that I was actually active in our scene.   Those are the bands that I celebrate here!

Comments (8)

8 Responses to “About”

  1. Derek Says:

    I don’t see the band That Darn Cat on your websites. Even though they never recorded an album they were pretty influential during the late 80’s and epitomized the grunge scene in Minneapolis at that time. I played drums in the band. Just thought you might want to know.

  2. MNPunk Says:

    I’d be happy to link something up, if you can provide the link.

  3. Miles Halverson Says:

    The Retakes (formerly known as Slaughter on Pennsylvania Avenue or High Five Anxiety) are an American punk rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. The band was formed in late 2008 by Miles Halverson and Tim Abel. The bands current lineup consists of Miles Halverson (Vocals/Guitar) and Connor Slawson (Bass/Vocals), and Evan Floyd (Drums). They released their raw debut EP “Later..” in August as SoPA, and are set to release their follow up EP “Of All Places..” in July.

  4. Lucan Madramootoo Says:

    I do a band called The Humor of Atrocity. We give our songs away for free via the internet. We have a few songs on youtube. “This is How I kiss”, “Arts and Crafts”, “The Most Wonderful Time”. Its all done with dark humor, and falls into that crossover territory. Please share our videos on your page if you like it. We are out of Robbinsdale, MN.

  5. Chris Watson Says:

    Hey I stumbled upon your website, and just want to say that you do a great job covering the scene, I was curious if you would be willing to check out my band Atomic Lights, and if you like it feel free to share. We have all of our music for free download and we are going to be making a new E.P. over the coming months. Here’s a link to our music

  6. Sara Schlingmann Says:

    I am looking for a punk genre band to play at a roller derby fundraiser for my team in March. Its a punk rock prom and it will be in New Ulm MN. If anyone is interested please contact me by email or check us out on our Facebook. Goosetown Roller Girls. My email is– Thanks!

  7. Lucan Madramootoo Says:

    Here is a song of ours. If you want to post it elsewhere on your site feel free.

  8. Lucan Madramootoo Says:

    Here’s another. Any help promoting would be greatly appreciated. Please check out our youtube videos The Humor of Atrocity, and check out our podcast at Flush Again, there are other podcasts there so look for the ones called The humor of Atrocity. Thanks for your support.

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