Existence In Suicide 7″
The Confession 7″
self-released bootleg 7″
Another band from after my active time in the scene. Got this from Tim Fool: Disembodied was ANOTHER band that used to practice at the THD house and for a brief period our former roommate Mark Wilcox played guitar in it. The kids in Disembodied were actually super nice and big pro wrestling marks so I got along with them great. Members of Disembodied went on to form Martyr A.D. with former members of Holding On.
You can read about them on the the Path to Misery blog:
The collection that I uploaded as a bundle package includes their Existence In Suicide 7″, The Confession 7″, a self-released bootleg 7″ of two unreleased songs, and their track from the Difference Between Us comp put out by Goodfellow Records. Just for good measure, I also included a 320 rip of their split CD with Brother’s Keeper (where Broz Keep covers Twist Of Cain by Danzig). I did not personally rip the 7″s but I have, however, went through approximately five different sets of Mp3s of every release included and these are by far the best that currently exist amongst the Mp3 trading world.
Get it here.