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Posts Tagged ‘Porcelain Boys’

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Los Banyos

Filed under: Los Banyos,Pocket Genius,Porcelain Boys — Tags: , , — mnpunk @ 3:24 AM

Los Banyos
The Indigo – Mankato, MN 1995ish

More pop-punk goodness from another of Jason’s bands.

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Filed under: Do-Over,Pocket Genius,Porcelain Boys — Tags: , , — mnpunk @ 8:18 AM

1993 in Northfield, MN

Do-Over features Mankato’s prince of pop-punk, Jason Knutson who has been in just about every good pop-punk band in this state including the Porcelain Boys & Pocket Genius.

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Porcelain Boys

Filed under: Porcelain Boys — Tags: — mnpunk @ 10:55 PM

Away Awhile Demos

Everyone knows I love the PB’s.  So here is another posting from the Superfan over at Willfully Obscure.

In the posting he talks about the Fetish for Female tape…I recorded that for the band, and somewhere in my basement are the 3/4″ videotape masters of that recording.  I haven’t been able to find them in years though…..oh well.

There is also mention of a new remaster of the Away Awhile CD.  You can buy that here.

Get the demos here!!

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Porcelain Boys

Filed under: Porcelain Boys — Tags: — mnpunk @ 8:26 AM

Away Awhile (Review)

Sometimes the internet is just a complete waste of time and space.  Other times I find great music I haven’t thought about in years.  This is neither.  Here is a great review of an old album this is never not loaded on my Zune.  Its no secret that the PB’s are one of my favorite bands.  I’m just always surprised at how many other folks love them too!
Read it here !

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Porcelain Boys

Filed under: Porcelain Boys — Tags: — mnpunk @ 2:43 AM

Video Footage

This is footage from the lineup that created the Away Awhile CD. Jason rockin’ the drums, Erik & Scoot.

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Porcelain Boys

Filed under: Porcelain Boys — Tags: — mnpunk @ 2:14 AM

Practice video footage

Before Tom left the band they experimented with lineup changes.  I seem to remember a second guitarist, with Erik still playing drums too, but I could be wrong.  For me personally, this was as dark period for the band.  The songs seemed to slow down, the guitar solos seemed to get longer, and I heard that someone was listening to a lot of Steve Miller!  I remember one show in the Entry with one of them wearing a cowboy hat.  That was it for me.  My love for the band didn’t really change, but I had to stop seeing them live at this point.   It wasn’t as fun any more, and I was way too critical of them.

At their core, the PB’s were a power trio.  Yes, its true that they started as a 4 piece (with Erik playing guitar and someone else playing drums…Brian maybe…damn that was a long time ago??), but for me, the attempt to go back to four was a failure.   They were ultimately at their best as a three piece, and the CD, I think proves that point.  Scott never agreed with me….at least not openly.

For those that don’t know, I’m a long time friend of Scott.  Scott even played once with my crappy band before he got involved with the Dellwood kids.  I helped record a few of those early PB demo tapes, and at one time planed to release an awesome PB’s live show that I had recorded in the 7th St. Entry.    That never happened for one reason or another.  A solid decade later, I did finally edit it down and master it, but at this point only Scott & I have copies of it (and I hear he’s lost his).  One of these days I’ll get around to posting it because it really is an awesome document of the power of this band.

More pb’s Monday!

Video footage  provided by the drummer.  Comments below from the YouTube page.

Jan 2/1991 Porcelain Boys rehearsal
Erik Kaiser
Scott Cook
Tom Spence
Darren Achorn
I found this old footage in storage. I was drumming in the PB’s for a short time, commuting back and forth from Winnipeg and Minneapolis. Almost 20 years ago!

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Porcelain Boys / Marble

Filed under: Compilations,Marble,Porcelain Boys — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 2:41 AM

The Tsetsee Split

This is a split 7" from Dellwood’s pop-punk masters, the Porcelain Boys and Mankato’s Marble.  Released in 1996, this is an excellent document of mid-90’s melodic punk.  No one in Minnesota did it better than the PB’s.  Marble’s CD is also posted here, so check that out too.

This one comes complements of our friends at Wilfully Obscure .

Get it here .

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Porcelain Boys

Filed under: Porcelain Boys — Tags: — mnpunk @ 2:33 AM

If you were real 7"

Relive 7"

Compilation tracks

Wilfully Obscure did a great job of compiling some of the earlier recordings, featuring the original line up.    The first EP, If you were real, was the bands first taste of fame.  It was reviewed in Rolling Stone magazine, and because of that, they sold a ton of these.  The release was followed up by the Relive/Squeaky Clean single.    The collection is rounded out by a few tracks from compilations.  Everything here is with the original lineup.

I’ve got much more of the old stuff, so stay tuned for that in the coming days/weeks, including a live show that I had intended to release on my label back in the day, but for one reason or another, it never happened!

01. If You Were Real
02. Bedtime
03. Someday
04. Problem #1
05. Fortune Favors the Bold
06. Relive
07. Squeaky Clean
08. Brain Train
09. Sidetrack
10. A For Effort
11. Turn It Around
12. Week to Week
1-5 from If You Were Real 7" ep (1989, THD Records)
6 & 7 from "Relive" 7" (1990, THD)
8. from THD 7" compilation
9. from Can of Pork compilation (1992, Lookout!)
10-12 from It Came From the Cold comp tape (198?, Chef Music)

Get it here !

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Porcelain Boys

Filed under: Porcelain Boys — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 2:49 AM

Away Awhile

It’s Porcelain Boys week @!

It should be no shock to anyone that knows me that the PB’s were my favorite local band back in the day.

This is the second incarnation of the PB’s.  Tom moved to Duluth, Erik switched to guitar, and Jason Knutson took over on drums.  So they suck right?  Reunions…especially with different band members…never work out, right?  Wrong.  This one CD gives a proper recording to many of the songs from the original lineup.  They even made note of Tom and included a picture of him in the CD.  Class act.  Musically it’s true to the original lineup if you account for the natural growth of the band.  Great mid-tempo melodic punk.  Pick this up now!

As a bonus, the link to the site below has also posted the Jettison CD, which is really the same band with a different drummer.  Quality pop-punk!

More PB’s tomorrow!

Get it here .

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Filed under: Jettison,Porcelain Boys — Tags: , — mnpunk @ 4:59 AM

Search for the gun girl

Anyone that knows me, knows I love the Porcelain Boys.  I’ve shot hours of video for them.  I helped record their  second demo tape.  I even almost released a live record/tape  (which I years later finally edited down into what would have been a pretty great live record) that I recorded.   CD’s were really expensive back then, that’s why I say tape.

Anyway, Jettison is really just the Porcelain Boys.  I love these guys to death, but could never figure out why they would change their name just because they changed out one member.  The original PB’s was a 4 piece. Scott on Bass, Eric & Tom on Guitar and another kid (Brian maybe?) on drums.  I don’t think the drummer lasted even a year.  Eric moved to drums and the power trio line was cemented…at least for a few years.  Right before they broke up and Tom left the band, they brought in another guitarist, slowed everything way down…honestly…they needed to break up for the next phase of the band to happen.  Anyway, a few years later, with Tom gone,  Eric moved to back to guitar and they reform with the one and only Jason Knutson on drums.  What more could you ask for?  Jason is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and a massive pop-punk nut (he did the cover art for the final Doc Hopper album) !!!

This lineup recorded the "…Away Awhile" album which saw re-recordings of some of their previously released tracks plus some new stuff.  They also toured a bit…outside of the midwest building up their name.  I have no idea why Jason eventually left the band (school?  work?), but he was replaced on drums with this guy and they changed the name to Jettison.   As far as I know, this was the only release under this name.

They have reunited as the Porcelain Boys since then, but I don’t know if much of anything became of it.  Check out their MySpace page that is run by a close friend of the band.

Get it here !

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