Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Time to Go Mugabe

In the first anti-government rally in years, thousands hit streets of Harare in Zimbabwe to protest against economic mismanagement. Thousands marched through the streets calling for an end to the rule of longtime President Robert Mugabe. Police had initially threatened to ban the  protest but were eventually ordered by the High Court to allow it to go ahead.

Zimbabwe's economic crisis has worsened in recent months, taking a toll on employment rates and government expenditure.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Women of Mozambique Fight Back

We will not let ProSavana to invade our land and colonize us!

Ana Paula Taucale, peasant in Nampula
Province and member of UNAC (União
Nacional de Camponeses), Mozam-

The government of my country has grant-
ed large portions of land for large-scale
agriculture for exports, in the Nacala Cor-
ridor, involving Brazil and Japan. We,
peasants of the area oppose this project
and see it as an invasion that will drive to
large land grabs.

There is already evidence of the effects
of land grabbing in that area (Northern
Mozambique) on the peasants communi-
ties, and particularly on women. In Nam-
pula province, were I live and have my
plot, women are being prevented from
passing in the areas where the foreign
companies operate. We cannot access
firewood, gather wild foods or harvest
roots to use as medicines for our fami-
lies. In itself this is a clear violation of the
Mozambique Law of the Land. The Law
requires that community be consulted
to grant lands to companies, thus giv-
ing communities the right to refuse, as in
cases where such land granting implies
the abuse of their rights.

We reject this land-grabbing and we re-
ject the model of agriculture the ProSa-
vana program represents. We will do ev-
erything we can to stop it.
We as UNAC, together with other organi-
zations in the country, have launched in
June the National Campaign STOP Pro-
Savana. We want to bring this campaign
at international level - civil society organ-
isations in Brazil and Japan have already
joined us - and we want to activate legal
mechanisms at national and United Na-
tions level, to give greater responsibility
to those operating the ProSavana pro-
gram, for the damage they might cause
to the peasants communities in Mozam-

from here

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Activists Banned From Student Union Elections- Nigeria

Recently, the Obafemi Awolowo University management, through the Division of Students Affairs, sent a blacklist to the electoral commission and expressly ordered that those whose names are on the list must not be allowed to vote, be voted for, or act as agents in the forthcoming union elections. Five students are affected by this vicious list, and the only offence they have committed is their participation in the genuine struggles of students for unbanning of their union. For OAU administration, dissenting opinions over unlawful proscription is not allowed, and hence criminal. For us in the DSM, this blacklist is only a witch-hunt aimed at preventing student activists from holding union offices. It is also a calculated scheme to weaken the OAU students’ union and establish it under the direct manipulation of the university administration. We condemn this undemocratic, unlawful and vicious interference of OAU management in the internal affairs of a students’ union. We call for the conduct of elections in line with the provisions of the union constitution and decisions of the congress of students.

First, that OAU administration is establishing this disenfranchisement through a kangaroo indictment is unintellectual. In the opinion of the administration, indictment is not to make a formal accusation against someone, but to presume that the alleged is guilty before the charges are substantiated. This is the height of intellectual contradiction in an institution of learning, where regards for democratic laws and dissenting views should have been entrenched. However, we in the DSM are not surprised that the OAU management is wielding another instrument of jackboot absolutism to prevent questions and checks on its oppressive activities.

This was the same management that constructed a N500 million swimming pool when the university water supply system remains unclean and diseased, amid wide condemnation. Prevention of student activists, who have boldly condemned such impropriety of spending and policies, from holding union offices is meant to further sustain arbitrary and corrupt policies of the university administration. This will also ensure that the union itself is tied to the apron string of the university management, while the right to protest obnoxious policies of the university administration will be criminalized.

For us in the DSM, a union that cannot advance the interests of its members is irresponsible. And this is the reason why the affairs of such a union should be determined by members of the union, and not forced down its throat by a self-serving university authority. The OAU students’ union has a constitution which has articulated procedures for election, and a legislative organ which is the congress. Hence the right of members to vote or to be voted for is a subject for determination by the students, and not the university administration. If Nigerians do not condemn and resist this arbitrary imposition, then the OAU management – and other university managements – will see student unionism as a system of secondary school prefecture. This fact is observable in the current National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), whose leaders have turned into cronies and sycophants of corrupt politicians. While Ife student unionism still jealously guides the philosophy of students as an instrument against oppression and anti-people policies, the current effort of the university administration threatens the further existence of this tradition.

The DSM calls on peace-loving Nigerians, alumni of OAU and ex-students’ leaders to call the OAU administration to order and stop its excessive interference in the forthcoming students’ union elections. Witch-hunting students for taking dissenting opinion over an unlawful proscription of the union is inimical to intellectual growth and damaging to the future of Nigeria.

Adabale Olamide
General Secretary

From here with links