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Global justice campaigners Marienna Pope-Weidemann and Sebastian Ordoñez Muñoz explain why mining is a threat to our climate change goals.

Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 11/9" is a provocative and comedic look at the times in which we live. It will explore the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How the f**k did we get here, and how the f**k do we get out? It's the film to see before it's too late.

Youssef El-Gingihy delights in US filmmaker Michael Moore’s latest polemic.

The moral panic surrounding proposed changes is incoherent. Husna Rivzi explains why.

More than 100,000 protesters are set to march on Parliament on Saturday to demand a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal.

Vanessa Baird on why she will be marching in London on Saturday

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Latest issue

September-October 2018, Issue 515

Big story

Also this issue …

  • Cartoon history – Patrice Lumumba
  • Can nationalism be a force for good?
  • Hall of Infamy – Petro Poroshenko
  • What rape tells us about society

Latest from New Internationalist

The front cover of New Internationalist’s redesigned September magazine
Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 11/9" is a provocative and comedic look at the times in which we live. It will explore the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How the f**k did we get here, and how the f**k do we get out? It's the film to see before it's too late.
The Incendiaries by RO Kwon;  Betraying Big Brother by Leta Hong Fincher; A Radical History of the World by Neil Faulkner; Rupture by Manuel Castells, translation by Rosie Marteau​
The road to peace in Colombia: the funeral in April 2017 of indigenous leader Gerson Acosta, among the hundreds killed since the peace deal of 2016.

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