26 October 2018

Trump to deploy hundreds of troops to the border against Central American migrants

By Andrea Lobo, 26 October 2018

The domestic deployment of the military against immigrants is a warning to the entire working class.

In racist, anti-immigrant diatribe, Trump declares, “I am a nationalist”

As refugee caravan heads north
Trump administration prepares draconian new anti-immigrant measures

Former Fed chair warns of new financial crisis

By Nick Beams, 26 October 2018

In remarks unprecedented for a former central banker, Janet Yellen told the Financial Times that the lessons of the financial crash of 2008 were being forgotten.

Fall in hi-tech shares wipes out Wall Street’s 2018 gains

CIA director briefs Trump on Khashoggi torture tape

By Bill Van Auken, 26 October 2018

CIA Director Gina Haspel, dispatched to Turkey to investigate the murder of the Saudi journalist, has intimate familiarity with acts of torture and tapes recording them.

Amid crisis over Khashoggi murder
US State Department “socialists” discover the war in Yemen

Feigning moral outrage, the Times’ Thomas Friedman comes to the defense of the Saudi killer regime

“We should all be fighting together”
Teamsters union isolates 8,500 Chicago UPS workers

By George Marlowe, 26 October 2018

After defying the UPS workers’ “no” vote, the Teamsters is isolating thousands of Chicago-area workers.

After Teamsters overrule “no” vote on contract, UPS earnings up 20 percent

Teamsters for a Democratic Union to UPS workers: “Whatever you do, don’t fight!”

More on the struggle at UPS »

Ford worker dies of apparent workplace injury at Chicago Heights stamping plant

By Alexander Fangmann, 26 October 2018

The death adds to the growing toll exacted by dangerous working conditions related to the drive by Ford, abetted by the UAW, to increase production and profits.

The UAW is “letting the company get away with anything”
Growing opposition among autoworkers to brutal treatment of temporary workers

By our reporter, 26 October 2018

An interview posted by the WSWS with a veteran worker at Ford Woodhaven Stamping where a young autoworker died last year has gained wide readership.

One year since the death of Jacoby Hennings
Woodhaven Stamping worker describes brutal atmosphere under UAW-Ford regime
“Temporary part-timers are treated like slaves”

Still no investigation into death of young autoworker
One year since the death of Jacoby Hennings

More on US autoworkers issues »

Union, Democrats use “fact-finding” ploy to block Los Angeles teachers’ strike

By Dan Conway and Nancy Hanover, 26 October 2018

Despite more than 18 months of negotiations and three mediation sessions that have gone nowhere, the union continues to block strike action by teachers.

European Union steps up Internet censorship in the name of opposing “disinformation”

By Johannes Stern, 26 October 2018

The EU summit threatened with sanctions and penalties any party that diverges from the prescribed political line in the 2019 European election campaign.

War, censorship, and the invention of “fake news”

More on internet censorship »

Canadian postal workers criticize ineffectual rotating walkouts

By our reporters, 26 October 2018

The CUPW leadership is holding workers on a tight leash, with the aim of preventing a clash with the big business Liberal government.

Canada: Postal union launches rotating walkout campaign

Australia: Tasmanian public sector workers strike over wages and conditions

By Oscar Grenfell, 26 October 2018

The stoppage reflected a growing militancy among workers, but the unions are desperately seeking to channel anger behind the Labor Party.

UK: May fends off challenge by hard-Brexiteers

By Robert Stevens, 26 October 2018

That May, who supported Remain in the 2016 referendum, was able to seize the day reflects a pronounced shift in ruling circles, who cannot countenance a hard Brexit.

New Zealand opposition tries to shut down scandal over alleged links to Chinese businessman

By Tom Peters, 26 October 2018

Allegations that the National Party failed to disclose a donation from a Chinese businessman have sparked calls for a crackdown on “Chinese influence” from supporters of closer alignment with US imperialism.

New in Russian

Угроза Трампа разорвать российско-американский договор о ядерном оружии вызвала тревогу в Европе, но была обойдена молчанием американскими демократами

Билл Вэн Оукен, 25 октября 2018 г.

Критика со стороны Демократической партии сводится к тому, что Трамп не в состоянии сформулировать ясную стратегию конфронтации между двумя ведущими мировыми ядерными державами.

New in Turkish

İşçi sınıfı, artan tehditler karşısında Julian Assange’ı savunmalıdır

Bill Van Auken, 26 Ekim 2018

Julian Assange’a karşı artan tehditlere, onun derhal ve koşulsuz serbest bırakılması talebiyle, mümkün olan en geniş uluslararası seferberlik ile yanıt verilmelidir.

“Trident Juncture” tatbikatları: NATO, Rusya’ya karşı savaş provası yapıyor

Philipp Frisch, 26 Ekim 2018

Norveç’te düzenlenen ve yaklaşık bir ay sürecek olan “Trident Juncture”, NATO ile Rusya arasında geniş kapsamlı bir savaş tehlikesini arttırıyor.

New in French

Les bénéfices d'UPS en hausse de 20 pour cent après que les Teamsters ont passé outre un vote contre l’offre patronale

Will Morrow, 26 octobre 2018

La croissance continue des profits est facilitée par le syndicat des Teamsters, qui travaille de concert avec la direction d’UPS pour assurer une main-d’œuvre bon marché.

Face aux menaces croissantes, la classe ouvrière doit défendre Julian Assange

Bill Van Auken, 26 octobre 2018

L’abandon par le gouvernement équatorien de toute responsabilité dans la défense d’Assange est un sérieux avertissement qu’il s’apprête à le livrer aux autorités britanniques.

La chute des actions de technologie annule les gains de Wall Street de 2018

Nick Beams, 26 octobre 2018

L'indice NASDAQ, très axé sur la technologie, a subi sa plus importante chute en sept ans, ayant chuté de 12 % depuis son sommet au mois d’août.

La police indienne arrête des milliers de travailleurs de l'automobile en grève du Tamil Nadu

Arun Kumar, 26 octobre 2018

Les dirigeants syndicaux staliniens ont cherché à isoler les grévistes, craignant que leur lutte ne devienne le point de convergence d'un mouvement plus large de la classe ouvrière.

New in Spanish

Ante nuevas amenazas, la clase obrera debe defender a Julian Assange

Bill Van Auken, 26 octubre 2018

La renuncia del Gobierno ecuatoriano a cualquier responsabilidad de proteger a Assange es una ominosa advertencia de que se está preparando para entregarlo a las autoridades británicas.

Después de que Teamsters anulara el voto del “no” al contrato, las ganancias de UPS aumentaron un 20 por ciento

Por Will Morrow, 26 octubre 2018

El crecimiento continuo de las ganancias es facilitado por el sindicato Teamsters, que funciona como un instrumento de la patronal de UPS y como contratista de trabajo barato.

“¡Los migrantes no somos criminales, somos trabajadores internacionales!”
La caravana migrante y la lucha por unir a la clase obrera internacional

Eric London, 26 octubre 2018

La caravana es prueba de que la división del mundo en Estados nación bajo el capitalismo es incompatible con las aspiraciones y las necesidades sociales de miles de millones de trabajadores.

¡Opóngase a los ataques de Trump contra los inmigrantes! ¡Defiendan la caravana de migrantes!

Por Niles Niemuth, 26 octubre 2018

Los trabajadores en los EUA deben unirse con los trabajadores en México y América Central para garantizar el paso seguro de los miles de trabajadores que se dirigen hacia la frontera entre EUA y México.

La policía india detiene a miles de trabajadores automotores en huelga en Tamil Nadu

Por Arun Kumar, 26 octubre 2018

Los líderes sindicales estalinistas han tratado de aislar a los huelguistas, temiendo que su lucha pueda convertirse en el punto focal para un movimiento más amplio de la clase obrera.

New in German

Angesichts zunehmender Bedrohungen: Arbeiterklasse muss Julian Assange verteidigen

Bill Van Auken, 26. Oktober 2018

Die öffentliche Zurückweisung jeglicher Verantwortung für die Verteidigung Assanges durch die ecuadorianische Regierung ist eine unheilvolle Warnung, dass sie sich darauf vorbereitet, ihn an die britischen Behörden zu übergeben.

Hessenwahl: Umfragen sagen massive Verluste für CDU und SPD voraus

Peter Schwarz, 26. Oktober 2018

Die hessische Landtagswahl vom kommenden Sonntag wird durch die Feindschaft gegen die Große Koalition in Berlin geprägt, die aber im bestehenden Parteiensystem nur einen verzerrten Ausdruck findet.

„Horrorabschiebung“ unter Federführung von Rot-Rot-Grün in Berlin

Carola Kleinert und Andy Niklaus, 26. Oktober 2018

Im vergangenen Juni organisierte das Land Berlin, in dem Die Linke mitregiert, eine Sammelabschiebung von 90 Asylsuchenden aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet, in deren Verlauf es zu alarmierenden Übergriffen kam.

Polnische Regionalwahlen zeigen politische Instabilität

Clara Weiss, 26. Oktober 2018

Im Wahlergebnis in Polen zeigen sich die wachsende Unzufriedenheit mit der rechten PiS-Partei und auch eine Zurückweisung der wichtigsten EU-freundlichen Oppositionsparteien.

80 Jahre Vierte Internationale: David North beginnt internationale Vortragsreihe

unseren Reportern, 26. Oktober 2018

Der Leiter der internationale WSWS-Redaktion, David North, sprach über die Lehren aus dem zwanzigsten Jahrhundert, den Angriff auf den Marxismus und den heutigen Kampf für Sozialismus.

Fast 150.000 obdachlose Schüler in New York City

Philip Guelpa, 26. Oktober 2018

Der Anteil obdachloser Schüler an den öffentlichen Schulen in der reichsten Stadt Amerikas hat den bislang höchsten Stand aller Zeiten erreicht.

Other Languages


What the mail bomb uproar says about American politics

26 October 2018

The American media has dropped virtually all other topics to focus its attention on the mail bombs sent to eight leading Democrats or public critics of Trump.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Obama stumps for Democrats in Michigan: A legacy of social devastation

By Niles Niemuth, 26 October 2018

Obama is visiting Cass Tech High School in Detroit in an effort to convince workers once again that the Democratic Party, a right-wing, pro-capitalist and pro-war party, represents their interests.

Oppose Trump’s attacks on immigrants! Defend the migrant caravan!

By Niles Niemuth, 25 October 2018

Video: One year since the death of Ford worker Jacoby Hennings—The failure of capitalism and the fight of young workers for a future

Campaign website »

Arts Review

Interview with photographer Tom Kiefer: “This work is part of the historical documentation of our country’s response to migration”
El Sueño Americano: Exhibition of migrants’ items seized and discarded by US border patrol

By Norisa Diaz, 26 October 2018

Kiefer worked as a part-time janitor at a US Customs and Border Patrol facility in Arizona for 12 years, collecting items thrown out by officials.

Mahamat-Saleh Haroun’s A Season in France: The human cost of the refugee crisis

By Joanne Laurier, 24 October 2018

The Waldheim Waltz: A timely film about the World War II role of the former right-wing Austrian president

Paul Greengrass’s 22 July: Neo-fascist mass murder in Norway

Toronto International Film Festival 2018: Part 1
An intriguing film festival—above all, Mike Leigh’s Peterloo

More arts reviews »

History of the Fourth International

David North begins US speaking tour in Michigan to mark 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 25 October 2018

David North, chairman of the WSWS International Editorial Board, spoke on the lessons of the 20th century, the attack on Marxism and the fight for socialism today.

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

Large Colombo audience hears David North’s lecture on the history of the Fourth International

The struggle for socialism and the importance of history: David North interviewed on Radio Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Prime TV News reports on David North’s press conference

Text of David North's remarks to Sri Lankan press conference on Trotskyism

Watch: David North interviewed on Sri Lanka’s English-language Channel Eye TV

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 September 2018

Meetings in Australia and New Zealand to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

19 October 2018

David North, the chairperson of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, will be speaking in the United States this fall to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International.


In the face of mounting threats, the working class must defend Julian Assange

By Bill Van Auken, 25 October 2018

Julian Assange takes legal action against Ecuadorian government

New York Times celebrates downfall of 201 “powerful men:” The ugly face of the #MeToo campaign

By David Walsh, 25 October 2018

One year of the #MeToo movement

More on the sexual misconduct witch-hunt »

$1.5 billion Mega Millions jackpot
Lottery fever: A symptom of social desperation

By Kayla Costa, 25 October 2018

US missile treaty withdrawal: “Prepare for nuclear war”

By Andre Damon, 24 October 2018

Republicans and Democrats prepare bipartisan agenda of social cuts and war

Brazil’s pseudo-left pushes for social media censorship ahead of presidential run-off

By Miguel Andrade, 24 October 2018

Who is responsible for the rise of the fascistic Bolsonaro in Brazil?

The Harvard case on racial preferences and the antidemocratic character of affirmative action

A discussion with Helen Pluckrose, co-author of “Grievance Studies” hoax article

The “Grievance Studies” hoax exposes postmodernist charlatans

Workers Struggles

Growing strikes in South Africa; more UK rail strikes
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

26 October 2018

Workers in South Africa’s plastics industry are continuing their strike after an attempt by employers to ban the walkout was temporarily defeated.

Build rank and file strike committees
For a nationwide hotel walkout!

By Kevin Martinez, 25 October 2018

Indian police detain thousands of striking Tamil Nadu auto workers

By Arun Kumar, 25 October 2018

Swiss building workers strike in Ticino and Geneva

By Marianne Arens, 24 October 2018

Australia: Over 150,000 workers protest against assault on wages and conditions

By our reporters, 24 October 2018

Chicago Lyric Opera musicians’ strike ends with concessions deal

By Brian Brown and Jeff Lusanne, 23 October 2018

Indian court dismisses Maruti Suzuki workers’ bail application

By Keith Jones, 23 October 2018

Vote “no” on the USW-US Steel concessions contract!

By the WSWS Steelworker Newsletter, 22 October 2018

United Steelworkers announces tentative deal with US Steel

The political issues posed by the Australian Council of Trade Unions’ “Change the Rules” campaign

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 22 October 2018

Layoffs at Fiat Chrysler's Kokomo transmission operations heighten concerns over outsourcing

By Shannon Jones, 19 October 2018

UAW faces growing opposition from Indiana Lear workers following contract rejection

“We voted to go on strike, then they presented us with a BS contract”
Indiana Lear auto parts workers overwhelmingly reject UAW-backed contract proposal

More on autoworkers issues »

25 years ago: Massacres begin in Burundi after assassination of president

In the week following the assassination of Burundi’s first Hutu president, Melchior Ndadaye, in an unsuccessful coup by the Tutsi-dominated military, tens of thousands of Tutsis and Hutus were slaughtered.

More »

50 years ago: Nixon orders aides to block Vietnam peace deal before US election

On October 22, 1968, Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon ordered H. R. Haldeman to conduct secret contacts with the government of South Vietnam to insure that there was no peace deal worked out before the US presidential election.

More »

75 years ago: Red Army offensive pushes Germans back across Dnieper River

On October 25, 1943, the Soviet Red Army forces crossed the Dnieper River and captured the city of Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine.

More »


100 years ago: Czechoslovakia declares its independence from Austria-Hungary

On October 28, 1918, the Czechoslovak National Council in Prague declared the formation of a new state from the northernmost territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or Austria-Hungary.

More »

Mehring Books

Why are they back?
New title from Mehring Books explains resurgence of fascism in Germany

By our reporters, 19 October 2018

Author Christoph Vandreier presented the book in a well-attended lecture at the Frankfurt Book fair last Saturday.

Mehring Books UK publishes The Heritage We Defend 30th anniversary edition

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

Book review

DSA covers for unions and Democrats in new book on walkout by West Virginia teachers
55 Strong, Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike

By Nancy Hanover, 18 October 2018

A new book promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is centered on the lie that the West Virginia teachers’ strike, which set off the series of strikes nationally last spring, was a “victory” in which the unions played a heroic role.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

San Diego State University and the military-university complex

By Anthony del Olmo with the IYSSE at SDSU, 18 October 2018

Students denounce CIA partnership with University of Illinois Chicago

NYU’s Washington DC campus: Academia aligns with the Department of Defense

Open letter by students condemns right-wing offensive at Berlin’s Humboldt University

By International Youth and Students for Social Equality (Germany), 11 October 2018

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon whistleblower Shannon Allen: Celebrated $15 base pay represents pay cut for some workers

By Tom Carter, 16 October 2018

Watch: What do Amazon job applicants think about $15/hr?

More on Amazon »


Vadim Rogovin and the sociology of Stalinism

By Andrea Peters, 25 September 2018

September 18 marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Soviet Marxist historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin, the author of a seven-volume series on Stalinism and the Marxist opposition to the Soviet bureaucracy.

Twenty years since the death of Marxist historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin

By David North, 18 September 2018

International Committee of the Fourth International

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

8 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
The lessons of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party’s Great Betrayal

By Rohantha De Silva and Vilani Peiris, 24 September 2018


Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

Security and the Fourth International

An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one

By Eric London, 14 August 2018

This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.

Part two | Part three | Part four

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.