Update on imprisoned anarchist comrade Eric King (USA)

October 18th, 2018


A quick update since Eric is still in the Specialized Housing Unit (SHU, segregation) and it is unknown how long he will be there. He still hasn’t received a write-up nor has he been brought up on charges, but is facing a precarious situation. Eric also has some new rules regarding mail. All paper has to be plain white or regular lined notebook paper. Envelopes have to be straight white or manila if sending something larger. Eric is also unable to receive cards.

As folx know Eric has been through a lot of trauma recently and really could use support through mail and always always books. He was pretty badly hurt, he misses his family and really needs the community right now. Eric is so grateful for all the support, letters, and books he has received so far. We in the support crew are so appreciative of people showing our friend the love!

Please keep Eric in your mind and heart, these are hard times and our friend will need a ton of solidarity and help in the coming months.

You can find his Amazon wish-list here: http://a.co/gUbDsYs

Eric King # 27090045
P.O. BOX 1000

As always, until all are free-

EK Support Crew

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‘Network Case’ – Campaign statement about the accused (Russia)

October 17th, 2018

Rupression.com campaign statement about the accused

In February 2018, a campaign was launched in Russia to support those accused in the Network case. Among the main goals of the campaign were fundraising for legal costs, organizing humanitarian support for the arrested and offering support to their relatives. The resources gathered have so far been distributed according to the financial circumstances of the respective families and the needs of the arrested. Further financial support is being distributed according to the choices made by those the arrested throughout the investigation.

Currently two of the accused, Igor Shishkin, and Yegor Zorin, are firmly siding with the investigation.

Igor Shishkin has not filed a torture complaint, although traces of torture were reported on his body by the Independent Public Oversight Committee (ONK). He has signed agreement prior to being present in court, which means that he has fully admitted his guilt. He is actively cooperating in the investigation of the criminal case, and also giving testimony against other suspects. Read the rest of this entry »

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Paris, France: Enemies of this World – Incendiary Action Against Vinci and SNCF

October 17th, 2018

We think that direct action is also a way to escape the impasses of the middle-class activist swamp and its unoffensive slogans and common practices that are uncritically accepted and all to often remain a dead end. Alone, associated for a night or for life- according to the needs of each- let’s leave the dogmas behind and choose the chaos of life. For the defenders of this world we are criminals. We are simply its enemies and we are proud of it.

On the night of Thursday, October 11th to the 12th, on rue d’Hautpoul in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, a utility van of prison construction company Vinci and a car of SNCF (who hunt the poor and undocumented) were torched.

A thought for Krème, for the comrade incarcerated for the Limoges gendarmerie arson and for the anarchists who are facing trial in Italy (Scripta Manent and Panico).

Long live anarchy, long live freedom!


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Frankfurt, Germany: Arson Attack Against 2 Vans Belonging to Real Estate Company Vonovia

October 17th, 2018

During the night of the 14th to the 15th of October in Frankfurt-Heddernheim we destroyed two vans of the company Vonovia with fire. We took care that no people or other objects were damaged, only the vans were completely destroyed.

Vonovia, the largest real estate company in Germany, is guilty of forcing people out of the districts, including Frankfurt, which continue to be gentrified. The sole driving force of the group, profit maximization via privatization and luxury refurbishments, means that as usual the tenants suffer. Since we still lack the ability to expropriate the group, we wanted to draw attention to the impact that private housing companies and Vonovia itself have and the great damage they cause by sabotaging it’s day-to-day business.

The anger against the housing policy is felt everywhere and there have been many attacks surfacing. Therefore, we are in solidarity with the fight against gentrification on many levels and look forward to the Mietwahnsinns demo on October 20th in Frankfurt.

In solidarity with a city for all!


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Nantes, France: Arson Attack Against a Truck Belonging to Prison Construction Company Spie

October 17th, 2018

Destroy the Prison Society

Spie is a company the builds prisons and more broadly is an essential wheel in the machinery that controls us, monitors us, imprisons us and deports us. So I destroyed one of their trucks this Tuesday, October 16th between 3 and 4AM on Captain André David street in Nantes. 2 plastic bottles filled with a mixture of 2/3 gasoline and a third of engine oil, with blocks of lighters cellotaped against the bottle and placed behind the tires. Then there is more to light and ciao, hasta la malekoum…

Freedom for everyone, with or without papers!

A madman against the state and its minions


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Indonesia: Some of the Yogyakarta Prisoners have been Released!

October 15th, 2018

Some Yogyakarta prisoners are free!

Here are some Yogyakarta prisoners who have been released after undergoing trial and reading the verdict:

– MD detention decision of 5 months, the term of detention served, free October 9, 2018.
– OO for 5 months detention decision, deducted the period of detention served, free October 9, 2018.
– MI and MEA prisoner decision 5 months 15 days, detained prison term, free 14 October 2018.
– ZW and AMH detention decision 5 months 15 days, the detention period will be deducted, free October 14, 2018.

There are still other prisoners undergoing the trial process including Ucil (BV).

We will provide updates on any developments in the trial as soon as the information is available.

Nobody is free until everybody is free!

(Info via Palang Hitam Indonesia / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia)

Sebagian tahanan Yogyakarta sudah bebas!
Berikut adalah beberapa tahanan Yogyakarta yang sudah dibebaskan setelah menjalani sidang dan pembacaan putusan:
MD putusan tahanan 5 bulan, bebas 9 Oktober 2018
OO putusan tahanan 5 bulan, bebas 9 Oktober 2018
MI dan MEA putusan tahanan 5 bulan 15 hari, bebas 14 Oktober 2018
ZW dan AMH putusan tahanan 5 bulan 15 hari, bebas 14 Oktober 2018
Hari ini, Senin 15 Oktober 2018 sidang dilakukan untuk MC dengan kesaksian dari BV dan AM.
Perkembangan persidangan akan segera kami kabari kembali.
Tidak ada yang bebas sampai semuanya bebas!

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Makassar, Indonesia: Action Against the IMF-WBG Meeting in Bali (Photos, Video & Communique)

October 14th, 2018



The State and Capitalism are an inseparable unit of criminals and destroyers. Many bigoted leaders are gathering to consolidate their crimes. Eventually there will be a situation where the workers, the fishermen, the urban poor and all sectors of society who are subjected to oppression will reach a boiling point of anger and disgust.

Capitalism, which is a social relation, has turned the masses of humanity into passive human beings, limiting themselves only to the creation of profit. The purpose of work is to keep the world revolving around society being divided into two classes: the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat, or more simply put- the oppressor and the oppressed. Read the rest of this entry »

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USA: Attack on the Metropolitan Republican Club – NYC

October 14th, 2018

12/10/18, New York City: Anarchist cell smashes windows of ruling political party club building and sprayed slogans to co-incide with an event organised by them with the fascist Gavin McInness, co-founder of Vice Media and founder of Proud-Boys (American far-right group). Locks were also glued and digital keypad destroyed. No-one was arrested.

Tonight, we put the Republican Party on notice, in defiance to the policy of mass misery they have championed. The US government has established concentration camps around the country for Latino people, shamelessly murders black people, and continues its war machine that has slaughtered Muslim people with impunity for decades. The so-called “Land of the Free” leads the world in incarceration rates per capita, all the while profiteering in the new plantation within the prison walls.

While these atrocities persist unabated, the Metropolitan Republican Club chose to invite a hipster-fascist clown to dance for them, content to revel in their treachery against humanity. The Republican Party, joined by their spineless partners-in-crime, The Democrats, institute a policy of domestic and foreign terror felt the world over. Our attack is merely a beginning. We are not passive, we are not civil, and we will not apologize. Those of good conscience and clear mind know this state of oppression cannot remain. The US fascist political system is one of the most savage institutions in history and we will combat it relentlessly until all are free of American barbarism.

The Korryn Gaines Anarchist Attack Cell

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Remembering Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox (Syria, Rojava)

October 12th, 2018


This epitaph was written by a friend and comrade of Şahin / Waka / Farid

Şehîd Şahîn Qereçox, known as Waka to his many friends, was sadly martyred in the fight against Daesh in Hajin on 6th October. He had been serving in the YPG, fighting for the revolution in Rojava for 4 months. For as long as I’d known him he was a loving comrade and a true revolutionary. I’m still struggling to find the words to describe him – he was so thoughtful and creative he defied simple generalisation. Whatever I write will merely scratch the surface of what he meant to me and so many people. Read the rest of this entry »

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Pontianak City, Indonesia: Poster Bombing & Vandalism Actions Against the IMF-WBG Meeting in Bali

October 12th, 2018






We are a group consisting of autonomous individuals who carried out some poster bombing and vandalism actions against Bank of Indonesia, ATMs, police posts, the Digulist roundabout, the West Kalimantan governor’s office and several other highly visible locations in Pontianak City. We carried out these actions as a response to the meeting between Global Capitalist organizations the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund that is being held in Bali from October 8-14, 2018.

These spontaneous actions we carried out express our uncompromising rejection of a normal life full of daily submission. These actions are a manifestation of our hatred, anxiety and and anger against a system that requires us to accept a society where we have no control over our own lives. Their meeting is a clear sign that Global Capitalism has improved it’s position in controlling daily life with various disgusting economic schemes and investments.

For us there are two options: taking action or remaining silent – and we will never choose the second option. Passively watching or reading the news about the IMF-WBG meeting, that is not an option for us. If we take a deeper look, we can see that all aspects in this world relate to economics, and yes, they are the people who are behind all of this bullshit.

Here is a sentence that is appropriate for all those groups and individuals who condemn our actions as immoral and irrational acts: There is no system or morality that can hold us back when we reach the peak of our anger.

And another thing you should know: you are all under their control. You just don’t realize that the concept of good / bad morality that you follow is what allows them to achieve their goals. You are all their obedient tools.

We are what you call Utopianists. We are Anarchists!

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Kiev: Attack against Interior Ministry training center by ‘Ilya Romanov anarchist cell / FAI–IRF’ (Ukraine)

October 10th, 2018

Repressions and prisons have become part of our lives, as well as of lives of all those recalcitrant comrades who prefer to conduct an offensive struggle against the state and capital, attacking all manifestations of power and destroy the oppressive order. More and more often in the course of this struggle, we hear calls from all corners of the world for solidarity with repressed and imprisoned like-minded people, we hear stories how yet another one of us was put behind bars, beaten, tortured or even killed , and also hear how this or that infrastructure of anarchists was destroyed, plundered, how this or that initiative suffered from raids from punitive groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).

The authorities, like a hundred years ago, are trying to stop us. Today, like yesterday, we are opposed by the guardians of the state structures that were trained and endowed with the “legal right” or in simple words — state dogs loyal to their masters and interested in maintaining the status quo, repressing anarchists and other unruly people. Read the rest of this entry »

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Alma Melgarito: ‘Anarchism and the Law’ – Days of Informal Anarchy

October 10th, 2018

Introductory talk at the Days of Informal Anarchy, International Symposium, Mexico D.F., 27, 28, 29 December, 2013.

Originally published by Elephant Editions.

Good afternoon to each and everyone here. Well, here we are finally in the context of this symposium and because the comrades suggested that I give a small talk about the relationship or rather, I should say, the non-relationship between anarchism and law, or the possibilities and limits of the use of law as a tool of action in insurrectionary anarchist practice. What I am about to say is a very individual set of my reflections on this issue, so what I say now should not be regarded as a position taken by groups or collectives in which I collaborate occasionally. Good. I also want to say that what I am going to talk about now are just a few notes that we can use to think about law from the anarchist point of view.

I’d like to start by quoting the words of Alfredo M. Bonanno, who in A few notes on Sacco and Vanzetti, reminds us that; “the concept of innocence and guilt is not an objective fact but is a measure imposed by the class struggle. The legal techniques and police procedures that establish whether a person is guilty or innocent are part of the culture of power.”

Now I’m putting on the table a question that has been included in contemporary anarchist discussion in Mexico, especially in light of the recent arrests of comrades and following the media harassment witnessed in AGAINST THE CONTENTS OF ANARCHIST EXPRESSION in recent times .. and the question is … is anarchism a crime?Read the rest of this entry »

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