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How Billionaires Bought Kavanaugh's Seat on the Supreme Court

Right-Wing Fantasies About Gender Are Killing Trans People

To Fight Moneyed Interests, Let's Use Ballot Initiatives to Write Our Own Laws
-- Jim Hightower on BuzzFlash at Truthout

Black Voters in Georgia Fear Brian Kemp is Rigging The Election

Anniversary of Afghan Invasion Passes With Little Attention

"I'll walk in my broken shoes": Mom, daughter flee Venezuela

Hurricane Michael may have dealt a deadly blow to Florida's nascent oyster farms
"Are we going to dump some more money back out here and keep moving forward or just call it quits, go back to welding?” asked one oyster farmer.

To defend journalism, we need to defend the truth and not just journalists

Kobach calls League of Women Voters "communist"

Activists Blast White House Plan To Eradicate Transgender From Gender Definition
LGBTQ activists and supporters are mobilizing for a Monday rally at the White House.

Trump Ready to Blame Ryan and McConnell for Midterm Losses

Mueller Team Hunting Down Contact Between Trump Associates, WikiLeaks

Paul Krugman Warns Trump Is Poised To Disregard Democratic House Victory
The president’s complaints about “voter fraud” could be used to deny legitimacy of Democratic victory in the midterm election.

What to Know About Trump’s Terrifying Proposal to Eliminate Transgender Rights

American Defense Contractor Accused of Enslaving US Citizen Linguists

The Women's Wave Is Coming. Republicans Should Be Worried.

Afghans head to the polls facing renewed security threat 17 years after U.S. invasion

(not The Onion)

Trump’s Closing Argument: The Brown People Are Coming!
Demonizing Pelosi is backfiring, and McConnell stepped on everything else. So it’s the old GOP standbys—national security and race. Except Trumpified.

Roger Stone Is Running Out of Options

Charles P. Pierce | Andrew Gillum and Abigail Spanberger Just Showed Democrats How to Debate a Trumpist

Trump Just Went Full Gob Bluth to Defend His Aiding and Abetting of Saudi Arabia

Jared Kushner Shrugged Off Khashoggi’s Murder. It Shouldn’t Surprise You.

It’s not an exaggeration to say the Trump administration wants to erase transgender people

Shocking turnout for first day of early voting in Houston

Broadband Industry Sues Vermont For Daring To Protect Consumers, Net Neutrality

Organizer for Black Senior Voters Pulled Off Georgia Bus Calls Out "Race Power Dynamics"

Trump’s New Promised Tax Cut Is Going Nowhere

The Midterms Have the Power to Usher in an Era of Climate Action

Diplomats Disgusted With Pompeo's, Trump's Acceptance of Saudi Excuses

Two Weeks Before Midterms, Trump Attacks Democracy With 'One of the Most Naked Attempts to Promote Voter Suppression' in Modern Times

Angry Man Confronts Senator Mitch McConnell in Restaurant

Gorbachev says Trump's nuclear treaty withdrawal 'not the work of a great mind'

Census Citizenship Question Lawsuits Move Toward Supreme Court Showdown