Narendra ModiCont verificat


Prime Minister of India

S-a alăturat în ianuarie 2009
Născut la 17 septembrie


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  1. acum 4 ore

    दीपावली की सभी देशवासियों को हार्दिक बधाई। मेरी कामना है कि प्रकाश का यह पावन पर्व सबके जीवन में सुख, शांति एवं समृद्धि लेकर लाए। Happy Diwali! May this festival bring happiness, good health and prosperity in everyone’s lives. May the power of good and brightness always prevail!

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  2. acum 13 ore

    Bibi, my friend, thank you so much for the Diwali wishes. Every year, I visit our border areas and surprise our troops. This year too, will spend Diwali with our brave troops. Spending time with them is special. I will share photos of the same tomorrow evening. :)

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  3. acum 13 ore

    ביבי, חבר יקר שלי. תודה רבה על הברכות לרגל חג הדיבאלי. כל שנה ביום דיבאלי , אני מבקר באזורי הגבול ומפתיע את החיילים שלנו. גם השנה , אני אבלה זמן עם החיילים האמיצים שלנו בכדי לבלות זמן מיוחד איתם.

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  4. acum 15 ore

    It is very satisfying when initiatives of the Government are able to transform lives of the poor and marginalised.

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  5. acum 15 ore

    Best wishes for this festive season to you too. Thanks for your kind words.

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  6. acum 15 ore

    Social media is a wonderful platform, where I get to interact and see the creativity of people.

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  7. acum 15 ore

    Commendable volunteering effort! My best wishes.

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  8. acum 16 ore

    Ayodhya and South Korea have an ancient link. This link forms the cornerstone of historical and civilisational bonds between India and the Republic of Korea.

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  9. acum 16 ore

    It is a matter of immense joy and pride that Mrs. Kim Jung-sook, First Lady of the Republic of Korea visited Ayodhya and also wore traditional Indian clothing. The people of India deeply appreciate this gesture.

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  10. acum 16 ore

    아요디아와 한국은 오랜 인연을 맺고 있습니다. 이는 인도와 한국의 유구한 문명의 유대를 형성하는 주춧돌이 되어왔습니다.

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  11. acum 16 ore

    대한민국 영부인 김정숙 여사님의 아요디야 방문은 저희에게 큰 기쁨이자 자랑입니다. 인도 전통옷을 입으신 모습 또한 그러합니다. 이러한 여사님께 인도 국민들은 깊이 감사드립니다.

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  12. 5 nov.

    Donate to and support the Party in the various initiatives towards building a New India. Your contribution is deeply valued. And yes, urge your family and friends to donate as well!

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  13. 5 nov.

    Had a great meeting with Mrs. Kim Jung-sook, First Lady of the Republic of Korea. We had fruitful discussions on ways to deepen bilateral cooperation between our nations.

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  14. 5 nov.

    This is wonderful. Her passion towards women empowerment is laudatory. Best wishes to her.

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  15. 5 nov.

    Ayushman Bharat shows that the poor can get quality healthcare. Happy to see poor people benefitting from the scheme.

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  16. 5 nov.
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  17. 5 nov.

    Glad you feel so about Ayushman Bharat.

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  18. 5 nov.

    Our Armed Forces are brave and determined to protect the nation. We are doing everything possible to support them, and ensure our country is protected.

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  19. 5 nov.

    We are guided by this Mantra: राष्ट्र रक्षा समं पुण्यं, राष्ट्र रक्षा समं व्रतम्, राष्ट्र रक्षा समं यज्ञो, दृष्टो नैव च नैव च।। We will do everything for our beloved nation and for the wellbeing of 130 crore Indians. Vande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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  20. 5 nov.

    India is a land of peace. Values of togetherness are enshrined in our culture. Peace is our strength, not our weakness. Our nuclear programme must be seen with regard to India’s efforts to further world peace and stability.

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