Always Antifascist


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Rose City
Csatlakozott 2011. április


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  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jan. 26.

    Rose City Antifa is dedicated to exposing, opposing, and confronting fascist activity. If you have information regarding any of the people mentioned in this article, or other fascist and white supremacist activity in the Pacific NW, please email us at

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  2. 21 órával ezelőtt

    🎄💩🎄 Russell Schultz of Patriot Prayer / Proud Boys infamy gets into the holiday spirit by promising to murder people at Joey Gibson's "Jesus March" and offering a glimpse into his very complicated poop fantasies 🎄💩🎄 (further info on Schultz: )

  3. retweetelte
    dec. 20.

    New article: Who is ? Everything you need to know about the City neofascist crew.

  4. retweetelte
    dec. 20.

    important new expose on Atalante, a Quebec "revolutionary nationalist" fascist group based in the RAC skinhead scene. Inc.their relationship with 211 Booy Boys (NYC) & Casa Pound (Italy).

  5. retweetelte
    dec. 20.

    If a blogger & former attorney for a neo-Nazi has got you asking today whether deplatforming, boycotts or other anti-fascist tactics work, read my book about anti-fascists deplatforming, counter-protesting, boycotting, and generally beating the hell out of fascists in Europe.

  6. retweetelte
    dec. 20.

    19 Dec 1908 French photographer, socialist and anti-fascist Gisele Freund was born to a Jewish family in Germany

  7. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    As the US prepares a withdrawl from Northern Syria revolutionary solidarity with the Kurdish Movement and allied revolutionary forces in Rojava is paramount. An invasion by the fascist Turkish state is almost certain. Solidarity is paramount. Now is the time for action.

    Ez a média esetlegesen érzékeny tartalmú lehet. Tudj meg többet
  8. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    unbelievable to me that anyone would seriously contest the efficacy of deplatforming *as a tactic* against the fash here at the end of 2018. that debate is over! deplatforming is effective! the far more important debate is about the antifascist left's strategy moving forward

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  9. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    19 Dec 1925 anti-Nazi communist resistance fighter Lepa Svetozara Radic was born in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Captured in 1943 Nazis offered to spare her life if she gave up the names of her comrades but she refused and was executed

  10. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    The revolution in Rojava has offered a new path. As a new challenge has presented itself we should all realize US engagement was nothing but an obstacle. Now is the time for solidarity from all anarchist and revolutionaries.

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  11. retweetelte
    dec. 20.
    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  12. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    Love and rage to our Irish siblings on scoring this huge victory for bodily autonomy! If a place as choked out by the Catholic Church as Ireland still is can get to this point, maybe there’s some hope for the States after all...

  13. retweetelte
    dec. 19.
  14. retweetelte
    dec. 18.

    i talked to for this awesome/troubling piece she wrote on youtube radicalization

  15. retweetelte
    dec. 18.

    Our analysis of the intense months of revolt in Haiti & thoughts on anarchist internationalism.

  16. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    Another one for the Antifa toolkit— replace ads on public transportation with instructions on how to stop deportations. 💯

  17. retweetelte
    dec. 19.

    : We interviewed an attorney from the about the lessons + implications of the so-called "Weed Nazi" case in , discuss everything from to Trump's meltdown, + roundup actions news from to .

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  18. retweetelte
    dec. 19.
  19. retweetelte
    dec. 18.

    Jordan Peterson and other stars of the "Intellectual Dark Web" have lost tens of thousands of dollars in income this month, as fans drop their Patreon subscriptions.

  20. retweetelte
    dec. 18.

    Montréal est ! Vidéo par et sur le groupe de graffiteurs antifascistes NTFA. /// Montreal is anti-fascist! Great video about the NTFA () graffiti crew.

  21. retweetelte
    dec. 18.

    Corvallis Community Defense Fund:


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