
Trump Is Stacking The National Labor Relations Board to Favor Corporations

The Real News Network interviews Michael Arria on his recent In These Times story "As Media Focuses on Russia Collusion, Trump Is Quietly Stacking the Labor Board with Union Busters."

Bernie Sanders Talks with Jane Mayer About Dark Money in Politics

In the fourth episode of his new show and podcast, The Bernie Sanders show, Sanders sits down with investigative journalist Jane Mayer to discuss her book "Dark Money" and the role of big money in U.S. politics.

Trump’s EPA Pick Scott Pruitt Could Put the EPA on the Endangered Species List

In this exclusive web essay, Bill Moyers takes on President Trump’s choice to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has a track record of putting the business interests of the energy sector before the environmental and health interests of the public. He has spent his career fighting the rules and regulations of the agency he is now being nominated to lead. His expected confirmation threatens to make America great for polluters again.

The Human Face of Illinois’ Ongoing Budget Crisis

We are excited to release the trailer for Stranded by the State, a new video series uncovering the human toll of Illinois' ongoing budget crisis. This new collaboration between In These Times and Kartemquin Films will follow the families, workers and students living through the de facto budget cuts, showing the ways it deteriorates the fabric of Illinois communities.

The Quiet Epidemic of Native American Killings By Police

Democracy Now! covers our investigation into police killings of Native Americans, showing that Natives are more likely to be killed by police than any other group. Amy Goodman spoke with reporter Stephanie Woodard as well as James Rideout, the uncle of Jacqueline Salyers, a 32-year-old pregnant mother and member of the Puyallup Tribe who was killed by police earlier this year in Tacoma, Washington.

Kate Aronoff Explains What Hillary Clinton Still Has to Do to Win Over Bernie Sanders Supporters

In this clip from NowThis Election, In These Times reporter Kate Aronoff lays out seven things Hillary Clinton should do to win the votes of Bernie Sanders supporters like herself.

The Undemocratic Origins of Superdelegates: Democracy Now! Talks to In These Times

In These Times Executive Editor Jessica Stites talks to Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman about the recent investigation "The Secret History of Superdelegates" in which documents showing the rationale for the Democratic Party's creation of the superdelegate system were published for the first time.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Why She Left the DNC and Is Endorsing Bernie Sanders

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii explains why she resigned as Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee and is endorsing Bernie Sanders as the president who can "usher in a new era of peace and prosperity." As a veteran of wars in the Middle East, Rep. Gabbard specifically highlights Sanders' foreign policy judgement, and cast him as the candidate who would eschew interventionist policies.

Cancer Patients Arrested for Protesting Big Pharma and TPP

Two women undergoing cancer treatment were arrested on World Cancer Day for occupying the office building of trade association PhRMA in protest of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which they say would lead to exorbitant costs for life-saving cancer treatments. Non-profit advocacy group Public Citizen captured the scene.

Exposing the Myth of New Orleans Charter School ‘Miracle,’ 10 Years After Katrina

Reporter Colleen Kimmett appears on the Real News Network discusses her recent investigative story that revealed that 10 years after Hurricane Katrina led to the wholesale privatization of New Orleans’ school system, public schools still dramatically outperform charters.