The 8th wanted person arrested in Paris

Serial ATM‘ers case

On February 15th, at 6am in the morning, 7 people were place in custody and had their homes searched, in the so called serial-ATMers case . The anti-terrorism section followed that case and tried to interrogate the people.

Indeed, lots of ATM and banks have been sabotaged and attacked, in solidarity with the undocumented people of the Vincennes Detention Center, who, in 2008, have put fire at their prison. Several prisoners had a trial for that fact and were condamned to several months of prison.

Around that trial and the daily struggle with undocummented people, not only banks have been attacked. Several „wild marchs“ (illegal demonstrations) went on, with people yelling, breaking offices, leaving posters all around, and occupying collaborating agencies, as Air France.

A 8th person was wanted since February. On May 27th this person has been arrested went coming to support a squat eviction in the 13th district of Paris ( see here Indymedia Paris).
Taken to the 26 rue des Orfèvres (anti-terrorist torture office), he stayed for 23 hours, and has been questionned about the damages, and is accused of having stuck a poster on a bank during a wild and illegal march.

He refused to say and sign anything, and also refused to give his DNA.
In France, you can refuse (when you know it…), but then you have a trial. MOst of the time, cops don‘t tell you it’s allowed to refuse.
They took his belt and hat, obvisouly to have his DNA.
A USB stick, a mobile, keys and others he had in his bag have also been taken, and surely analysed by the Anti-terrorist group of Loriot.

He has been released without facing the well known Rosso judge, and may be called later.

For more informations

- About the ATM arrestees

- Chronology of actions and wild marchs in solidarity (nice tactics and good ideas!)

- Sentences for the struggling prisoners at their trial


You can also find a new brochure put online, that makes a review of all the known companies that profit of this detention system and collaborate with it- localy, or internationaly.

Here’s the link

Police technology

Italy: a GPS found under the truck of the Nunatak revue member

May 17, under the van of an editor of Nunatak, we found a finde abbiamo trovato un bel transmitter with a SIM Vodaphone chip and 4 torch batteries, of 3,6 volts each, in series. All placed with a magnet behind a back wheel of the vehicle. This time, just not to boast, it should be said that it didn´t take much to notice that „someone“ had placed a device to spy on our movements. Moreover, for some time now, unfortunately, it is as well to take into consideration forms of technological control that is increasingly invasive and capillary. In fact, among all the manoeuvres and repressive attacks that the State puts into effect against those who still have the courage to raise their heads, this is just the latest sign that the review Nunatak has become object of attention of who knows which Procurator or investigative body. Monitoring, home visits and a whole series of other more or less concealed pressures have been gravitating for some time around the review and whoever collaborates with it with the intention of burning the earth around it and preparing an eventual repressive intervention in the near future. It seems pointless to us to stree once again that their „attention“ will not make us take one step back from our projects, but we can only admit that, for as long as uniforms and authority are concerned about our presence , of our way of thinking and acting, we have confirmation that we are moving in the right direction.

Nunatak – magazine of history, culture, struggles of the mountain

< Angry News From Around the World, translated from Informa-Azione

Action in Paris

May 20th, Paris : The wheel of misfortune

On May 19 in the night, in the north of Paris, we took the opportunity of a night walk to piss some bourges [bourgeois] and collabo [collaborators] off. We took it out on their cars wheels:

- 11 4X4
- 18 luxus Berlines
- 4 cars GDF-SUEZ (that makes a profit of the prisons)
- 3 cars of La Poste ( that manages the bank accounts of the prisoners and denounces undocumented people to police)
- 1 ISS truck ( that makes profit of the Detention Center in Belgium)
- 1 bus of Veolia ( nuclear, High speed train…)
- 2 commercial vehicules of Orange ( that makes the prisoners work)
And to end, we punctured 10 commercials vehicules of the Paris Town.
Each time, several tyres have been punctured so as to clamp down these bastards.

Everyone can do it…

Several thorns in the tyre

< Indymedia Nantes, May 20th

Daily war

May 20th, Bar-sur-Aube (Aube) : estate agency attacked for the second time

It’s the second time in three months that the Aube estate agency is attacked, with a pic or something else. Due to press, the damage is important. Last February, 13 windows had to be changed.

< Cettesemaine

Eρινύες- From Paris to Greece

May 16th, Paris :A PS party office attacked in solidarity action with comrades from Greece and elsewhere.

The passion for freedom
On May 16 in the night, we visited teh PS party office of the 2d district, on Léopold Bellan street. Three windows from five have been smashed in with a sledge.
In Greece, the socialist party is power. In Paris, the socialist party is attacked in solidarity with the revoltees from Greece and elsewhere. Domination is international. The revengence of the individual enamoured of liberty is anational. Fire to the power. Let’s break all what dominate us and multiply the attacks. Let’s smother the democraty in its cradle.

Some erinyes in a fury

< Indymedia Paris, May 18th

Erinyes, or Furies
They were the goddesses of revenge in Greek mythology.They were the femal supernatural personifications of the anger of the dead
Horrible to look at, the Erinyes had snakes for hair and blood dripping from their eyes.