Join me Saturday at Noon Eastern for a Facebook Live discussion of the CIA Democrats and the Midterm elections with Patrick Martin, the WSWS' senior US politics editor. We look forward to answering your questions. Read Martin's series on the CIA Democrats here:
Join me and Jerry White, the labor editor of the World Socialist Website, for a discussion of the conditions facing young workers on Saturday at 3PM eastern time, on Facebook live on my page.
Watch my discussion with Jerry White, Labor Editor of the World Socialist Web Site on the conditions facing young workers. To find out more about my campaign visit To sign up for the autoworkers newsletter visit

Ignoring for a moment the more obscene tribute to wealth found in the music of chart toppers like Beyoncé, Jay-Z or Cardi B in 2018, the character of far too many of this year’s releases could be summed up in a word—boring.
But while so much of the year’s music felt foggy and detached from real life, there were noteworthy exceptions.
Many of the year’s best musicians refused to limit themselves to one “lane,” “border,” genre or supposedly separate culture.
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World Socialist Web Site

Capitalism has turned broad swaths of the world into a foul prison, holding workers and the poor in nation-state straitjackets from which a sixth of the world i...s fighting to escape. Socialist revolution will free the productive process from the control of the world’s oligarchs, abolish national boundaries and guarantee the right of all workers to travel the world in peace.

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