Jackson WangCuenta verificada


王嘉爾 왕잭슨 Always Be hungry 🙌 [Hong Kong China]🙏 (852) Got7👊 TEAM WANG🔥🎤

Se unió en agosto de 2018


Bloqueaste a @JacksonWang852

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  1. 16 oct.

    Let' s start the race again🙏 but a faster one ❤️ It' s gettin cold ,watch out everyone, make sure to wear enough 🙏

  2. 5 oct.
  3. 1 oct.


  4. 30 sept.

    I 've never thought about winning first place this week,still can't believe it. Very very blessed,and thank you to everyone who supports us. Because all of you supporting us that we came this far. Let' grow step by step,and thank you again for all the people who supports us.

  5. 28 sept.
  6. 24 sept.

    Happy moon festival everyone!🌕 Gotta be happy today! Enjoy your day with your family or your otherhalf😘 eating moon cakes and be sure to check out the moon👍 Have a good rest so that we can work even harder after🤨 Miss &Love you all❤️ Imma head to work 🙏 btw first selfie 😘


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