Measure what happens after users see your ads on Twitter

With conversion tracking, if people click on the link, Retweet, like or simply see the Tweet and then go to your site — you'll know where they came from.

You'll be able to see what actions they take on your site, and across devices. Then you can make a list of those users and target them with future marketing campaigns.

Conversion tracking starts where Twitter stops.

How to set up tracking

  1. When you log into Twitter Ads, select the “Tools” drop down, then click “Conversion tracking.”

  2. Click “Create new website tag.”

  3. Give your website tag a descriptive name and select the conversion type you’re looking to track (site visit, purchase, download, etc).

  4. Checking the “Create a tailored audience” box means users who respond to your content will be recorded as an “audience” along with other users who have a Twitter account and visit your page. That way, you can target them with future marketing campaigns.

  5. The “Show conversion settings” drop-down allows you to alter the time frame in which a conversion can take place and be reflected in our data. The default is set to 30 days, which we recommend.

  6. Click “Save tag and generate code snippet”, then you’re good to go.

  7. Place the website tag into the HTML of a page you want to track. (If you don’t feel confident, you may want a web developer to do this.) After someone has visited your tracked page for the first time, your tag will be verified on the “Conversion tracking” tab in Twitter Ads.

  8. Then, whenever somebody lands on your site from a Twitter campaign, the website tag will fire and record the conversion data. You can access this data on the “Campaigns” page of your Twitter Ads dashboard by clicking the “Conversions” button in the middle of the page.

  9. You've done it! Congrats. There are more technical aspects of conversion tracking and installation, if you’re interested in more advanced strategies.

Best practices

  • Tag every page where a conversion could take place, including your mobile pages, to grab data from every path a customer could take.
  • As you place tags, think of the specific audiences you’ll want to remarket to in the future. Set a different tag for each audience (promotional page visitors, people on mobile, etc.) so that you’ll have clean, useful audience lists to target.
  • Your analytics page will group tag types. So all data from “purchase” tags will be grouped together on the “conversions” view, but you can see specific tags by clicking on each conversion.

Don’t forget!

  • You can only gather data and audience members from pages you’ve tagged.
  • The user has to engage with or see your ad (depending on the type of attribution you’ve selected) to begin the tracking process. The user then has to visit a URL you have tagged within the attribution window.
  • If you’re using a third-party tracking tool, you may not see that data in your Twitter Ads dashboard. Variables in functionality, attribution, reporting and any bugs in the 3rd party tool itself, keep us from being able to link the two.

Track your success

Once your tags begin collecting data, you can see those conversions on your ads dashboard by clicking the “conversion metrics” button. The data will be organized by conversion type (purchase, custom, etc.) and you can download it all as a .csv. You will be able to see “post-engagement” vs. “post-view” conversions, transaction values and total sales.

You’re all set! But feel welcome to learn about the advanced aspects of conversion tracking.

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