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The Lone Gladio

Assassinations. Drug running. False flag ops. A shadow paramilitary global network. Synthetic wars. CIA-NATO: A darker truth. Operation Gladio Plan B: Murder.

 OG 68—a k a Greg McPhearson—no longer works for the company. The hunter has now become prey. He knows this beast: what created him and shattered his soul. Until Mai. When he opened the door to her three years ago, he opened what soul he had left. Yet no amount of pride or power, he discovers—too late—can ever replace one precious breath …

 When a sting is called off at the last minute by his FBI bosses per order of the CIA, Special Agent Ryan Marcello decides to do some digging. He calls in senior analyst Elsie Simon, expert in the Turkey-Central Asian-Caucasus nexus, to help track down the high-level target with ties to ruthless power players in a global narcotics-terrorism ring. Every lead and each new suspect brings them that much closer to home. With Elsie’s help, and at risk to their lives, the two begin their own investigating …

 The murdered son of a U.S. mogul leads to the hiring of Ryan and Elsie, who are used and then trapped in a byzantine scheme of retribution: of black ops within black ops, trails gone cold, kidnappings, blackmail, unexplained murders … a plot that extends from Russia and Azerbaijan to Cambodia, Vietnam, and is buried inside the Deep State.

 For the final mission, in a world where reality now stands on its head— “my enemy’s enemy is my enemy”—no one would be spared. The Gladio would be acting alone ...

You can visit The Lone Gladio website here:

The Lone Gladio can now be purchased at Amazon, Kindle, Nook and directly here:

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Classified Woman

In this startling memoir, Sibel Edmonds—the most classified woman in U.S. history—takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to operate in secret. Hers is a sobering perspective that combines painful experience with a rallying cry for the public’s right to know and to hold the lawbreakers accountable. With U.S. citizens increasingly stripped of their rights in a calibrated media blackout, Edmonds’ story is a wake-up call for all Americans who, willingly or unwillingly, traded liberty for illusive security in the wake of 9/11.

You can visit the Classified Woman website here:

Classified Woman can now be purchased at Amazon, Kindle, Nook and directly here:

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