PM calls in cops after embassy leak

Move comes after leak of secret ASIO bulletin that warned of possible violence in the wake of the government's plan to move Australian embassy to Jerusalem.

Economy hits 'full employment'

The unemployment rate fell to 5 per cent from 5.3 per cent in September, even though the economy added fewer than expected jobs.

CBA  toughening credit card applications

CBA's Dollarmites program in ASIC sights

The corporate regulator will investigate Commonwealth Bank's so-called Dollarmites Club as part of a broader review into school banking programs in primary schools.

TAL sacks 50, steps back from direct 

Insurance giant TAL has quietly sacked 50 staff as it winds back its exposure to direct insurance sales, as the model comes under growing public and regulatory scrutiny.

Developers such as Country Garden are reportedly offering discounts of up to 30 per cent on properties.

China growth rate headed towards GFC levels

China is expected to confirm on Friday that its economic growth has eased to its slowest pace since the global financial crisis, even though the full force of Donald Trump's trade tariffs will not be felt until next year.

Shares shy away from Canada's pot party

Shoppers loaded up in Halifax, rolled giant joints in Toronto and racked up 100 online orders in a minute in Manitoba, as Canada became the first G7 country to legalise recreational marijuana.

Uber this week sold $2.8b in bonds, but crucially bypassed Wall Street's bond market so it could limit the financial ...

Inside Uber's secretive debt sales

Former Goldman Sachs bankers this week helped Uber sell $2.8b in bonds. They bypassed Wall St so Uber could limit the financial information it disclosed.


Minister for Industrial Relations Kelly O'Dwyer says she has intervened in the case over concerns about the impact on ...

O'Dwyer intervenes in casual leave case

Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer has intervened in a Federal Court test case in a bid to offset the impact of a major court precedent that grants "regular" casuals annual leave.

VW backs online sales to avoid Detroit's fate

In a world of electric vehicles, Germany’s carmakers have a 50:50 chance of avoiding the fate of Detroit’s defunct automotive industry, according to Volkswagen’s CEO.

EU leaders said British Prime Minister Theresa May brought no new proposals but plenty of goodwill to the Brexit summit ...

Brexit talks go down to the wire

Britain and the EU remain at loggerheads over the Irish border, and risk leaving too little time before Brexit day to win over their sceptical parliaments.

Personal Finance

A by-law to ban pets is hard to wind back and can affect many owners.

Apartment life: be cautious about bylaws

A ratchet is a simple piece of engineering – easy to turn in one direction but almost impossible to go the other way. The "ratchet effect" in strata bylaws means that once decisions are made, they are hard to unmake.

Anne Summers today.

How the AFR took on the PM

In this extract from her new memoir, Anne Summers describes her first year in the Canberra Press Gallery after being lured back from the United States in late 1978.

I've stopped wearing my Apple Watch

After getting over the obsession with heart speed and steps taken, Watch editor Bani McSpedden has returned to his mechanical timepieces.