Savannah State


Founded in 1890. Oldest HBCU in Georgia & oldest institution of higher learning in . Flw/RT≠endorsement

Savannah, GA, USA
Beigetreten November 2009


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  1. vor 6 Stunden

    We are so proud of you, Tigers! Remember to tag your photos with . We will share as many as we can! 🎓

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  2. 9. Mai

    Remember to tag your photos with . We will share as many as we can! 🎓

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  3. 9. Mai
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  4. 9. Mai

    Returning to college? Considering a transfer? Stop by for the Quick Admit Day -- just for nontraditional students -- and be admitted on the spot. Wednesday, May 22! 📘🐅🎓More:

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  5. 8. Mai

    Read the latest edition of Rising Tide: []

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  6. 7. Mai

    Tag your graduation photos with . We will share as many as we can! 🎓

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  7. 6. Mai

    Take those finals and finish strong!

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  8. 3. Mai

    Remember to tag your photos with . We will share as many as we can! 🎓

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  9. 3. Mai

    Faculty Spotlight on Dionne Hoskins-Brown, Ph.D.

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  10. 2. Mai

    Alumna Beauty Baldwin will give the graduate commencement address.

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  11. 2. Mai

    Ready to put on those caps and gowns? Only nine days away!

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  12. 1. Mai

    SSU Assistant Professor of Biology Takayuki Nitta, Ph.D., received a $299,961 grant through the National Science Foundation to study “Mechanisms of Interaction of Glyco-gag with Restriction Factors.” []

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  13. 1. Mai

    Reminder: Today at noon, will test the emergency sirens.

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  14. 1. Mai

    The minor in applied mathematics is the latest addition to ’s repertoire of programs, which also include bachelor of science and master of science degrees in mathematics. []

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  15. 30. Apr.

    Read the latest edition of Rising Tide:

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  16. 29. Apr.

    On campus, online or study abroad! Register now. 🕶️☀️

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  17. 29. Apr.

    Finish this semester strong!

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  18. 26. Apr.

    May 11 is SSU's undergraduate commencement.

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  19. 25. Apr.

    Who remembers Meldrim Hall? Or when Adams was the dining hall? to 1953.

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  20. 24. Apr.
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