Stop internet censorship! End Google’s blacklist of the World Socialist Web Site!

Petitioning: Sergey Brin, President of Alphabet Inc., Larry Page, CEO of Alphabet Inc., Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet, Inc.

Sign the petition!

Dear WSWS reader

[your signature]

6,453 signatures

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Latest signatures

Bernd H. , Germany, Oct 12, 2018

I have been blacklisted that is why I am involved.

Troy M. Sacramento , United Statess, Oct 10, 2018

Michael M. Dülmen , Germany, Oct 08, 2018

Teresa W. Devizes , United Kingdom, Oct 08, 2018

Sergio I. , Argentina , Oct 01, 2018

Jose P. El Bolson , Argentina, Sep 30, 2018

Harald B. , sw, Sep 28, 2018

Madina G. , Germany, Sep 24, 2018

Allowing Tech giants being the judge, jury, and executioner is against our core democratic values and it must be stopped immediately. Everybody ought to take a moment and sign this petition before political censorship gets completely out of control and turns into a dictatorship the world has never seen before.

theo k. , UK, Sep 22, 2018

Andreas F. , Austria, Sep 19, 2018

Con D. MAIN BEACH , Australia, Sep 15, 2018

Firefox even blocks the petition site... Socialism is the only political way for people to share power among themselves. NSA/Google don't want this. They don't want people to support the weak.

yacine c. , France, Sep 13, 2018

Tibor . Virovitica , Croatia, Sep 12, 2018

Hans H. S. , Norway, Sep 11, 2018

Free speech is the most basic of human rights and google is engaged in political censorship under the guise of targeting "fake news" It is your duty as a member of humanity to do everything in your power to stop this!

Stewart F. , Norway, Sep 11, 2018

Siegbert M. , Germany, Sep 09, 2018

Paul W. Toms River , United States, Sep 08, 2018

ROBERTA N. , España, Sep 06, 2018

Peter H. , Germany, Sep 04, 2018

Gabriela D. Bern , Schweiz, Sep 01, 2018

In April, Google introduced new search algorithms and protocols that block access to socialist, anti-war, and progressive websites.

Google has especially targeted the World Socialist Web Site, the most widely read socialist Internet publication. The WSWS has experienced a 70 percent drop in referrals from Google searches. Its news articles and essays on politics, history and culture are being systematically blocked.

Under the fraudulent pretext of countering “fake news,” Google is engaged in political censorship. There is clear evidence that Google’s manipulation of search results is being closely coordinated with the military, intelligence agencies, and powerful corporate interests.

This petition demands that you stop Google’s attack on free speech, independent thought, and the basic right to uncensored information.


Beenden Sie die Zensur im Internet! Google muss aufhören, die World Socialist Web Site auf die schwarze Liste zu setzen!

Im April führte Google neue Suchalgorithmen und Protokolle ein, die den Zugang zu sozialistischen, progressiven und Anti-Kriegs-Websites blockieren.

Google zielt dabei insbesondere auf die World Socialist Web Site, die meistgelesene sozialistische Internet-Publikation. Die Zugriffe auf die WSWS, die auf Google-Suchergebnisse zurückgehen, sind um 70 Prozent gefallen. Ihre Nachrichtenartikel und ihre Aufsätze zu politischen, geschichtlichen und kulturellen Themen werden systematisch blockiert.

Unter dem fadenscheinigen Vorwand, gegen „Fake News“ vorzugehen, übt Google politische Zensur aus. Es gibt eindeutige Hinweise, dass Google seine Manipulation von Suchergebnissen eng mit dem Militär, den Geheimdiensten und mächtigen Wirtschaftsinteressen abstimmt.

Diese Petition fordert Sie auf, den Angriff von Google auf die Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit und das Grundrecht auf unzensierte Informationen zu beenden.


¡Detengan la censura del Internet! ¡Dejen de poner al World Socialist Web Site en su lista negra política!

En abril, Google introdujo nuevos algoritmos y protocolos de búsqueda que bloquean el acceso a sitios web socialistas, contrarios a la guerra y progresistas.

El World Socialist Web Site, la publicación socialista más leída del Internet, ha sido un blanco especial, sufriendo una caída del 70 por ciento en las visitas provenientes de las búsquedas en Google. Sus artículos de noticias y ensayos sobre política, historia y cultura están siendo sistemáticamente bloqueados.

Bajo el fraudulento pretexto de estar combatiendo las “noticias falsas”, Google ha estado incurriendo en la censura política. Más allá, hay amplia evidencia de que la manipulación de sus resultados de búsqueda está siendo coordinada estrechamente con los militares, las agencias de inteligencia y poderosos intereses corporativos.

Esta petición les exige detener los ataques de Google contra la libre expresión, el pensamiento independiente y el derecho básico a una información no censurada.


இணைய தணிக்கையை நிறுத்து! உலக சோசலிச வலைத் தளத்தை கூகுள் இருட்டடிப்பு செய்வதை நிறுத்து!

கூகுள் கடந்த ஏப்பிரலில் சோசலிச, போர்-எதிர்ப்பு மற்றும் முற்போக்கு இணையங்களைத் தடுக்கும் புதிய தேடுதல் நெறிமுறை மற்றும் வரைமுறைகளையும் அறிமுகப்படுத்தியது.

கூகுள் மிகவும் பரந்தளவில் வாசிக்கப்படும் உலக சோசலிச வலைத் தளத்தை (WSWS) விசேடமாக இலக்கு வைத்தது. கூகுள் தேடுதல் பரிந்துரைப்புகளில் 70 வீத வீழ்ச்சியை WSWS எதிர்கொண்டது. அதன் செய்தி கட்டுரைகளும் அரசியல், வரலாறு மற்றும் கலாச்சாரம் பற்றிய பகுப்பாய்வுகளும் திட்டமிட்டு தடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

“போலி செய்திகளை” தடுத்தல் என்ற மோசடியான சாக்குப் போக்கின் கீழ், கூகுளானது அரசியல் தணிக்கையில் ஈடுபட்டுள்ளது. தேடுதல் பெறுபேறுகளிலான கூகுளின் சூழ்ச்சி நடவடிக்கைகளுடன் இராணுவம், புலனாய்வு முகமைகள் மற்றும் பலம்வாய்ந்த கூட்டுத்தாபன நலன்களும் நெருக்கமாக ஒத்துழைப்பதை காட்டும் தெளிவான ஆதாரங்கள் உள்ளன.

இந்த மனுவானது கருத்துச் சுதந்திரம், சிந்திக்கும் சுதந்திரம் மற்றும் தணிக்கையற்ற தகவல்களைப் பெறுவதற்கான அடிப்படை உரிமைகள் மீதான கூகுளின் தாக்குதல்களை நிறுத்தக் கோருகிறது.


අන්තර්ජාල වාරනය නතර කරනු! අන්තර්ජාල පෙත්සමට අත්සන් තබන්න!

අප්‍රේල් මාසයේදී ගූගල් සංගතය, සමාජවාදී, යුද විරෝධී හා ප්‍රගතිශීලී වේබ් අඩවි වෙත පිවිසුම අවහිර කරමින්, නව සෙවුම් රෙගුලාසි හා කොන්දේසි පැනවීය.

ගූගල් විශේෂිතවම ඉලක්ක කලේ, වඩාත්ම පුලුල් ලෙස කියවනු ලබන සමාජවාදී අන්තර්ජාල ප්‍රකාශනය වන ලෝක සමාජවාදී වෙබ් අඩවියයි. ගූගල් සෙවුම් යන්ත්‍රයේ සිට එය වෙත එන පිවිසුම් සියයට 70කින් පහත වැටී ඇත. දේශපාලනය, ඉතිහාසය හා සංස්කෘතිය පිලිබඳව එහි පලවන ලිපි ලේඛනවලට පිවිසුම ක්‍රමානුකූලව අවහිර කෙරෙමින් පවතී.

“ව්යාජ තොරතුරු ” අවහිර කිරීමේ ප්‍රෝඩාකාරී කඩතුරාව යටතේ ගූගල් යෙදී සිටින්නේ, දේශපාලන වාරනයකය. සෙවුම් ප්‍රතිපල ගූගල් විසින් අපයෝජනය කිරීම, මිලිටරිය ද ඔත්තු සේවා ආයතන හා බලගතු ව්යාපාරික ආයතන සමඟ සමීප ලෙස සම්බන්ධීකරනය කර ඇති බවට පැහැදිලි සාක්ෂි පවතී.

මෙම පෙත්සමෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටින්නේ, නිදහස් භාෂනයට, නිදහස් චින්තනයට හා වාරනය නොකල තොරතුරු ලබාගැනීමේ මූලික අයිතියට එල්ල කරන ගූගල් ප්‍රහාරය නතර කරන ලෙසය.


Zaustavite Internet Cenzuru! Spriječite Google-vo stavljanje Svjetskog Međunarodnog Vebsajta na crnu listu!

Google je u Aprilu ove godine uveo nove algoritme i protokole prilikom pretraživanja sa ciljem da se blokira pristup socijalističkim, protu-ratnim i progresivnim veb stranicama.

U blokiranju, Google je naročito izdvojio Svjetski Socijalistički vebsajt (WSWS), koji je najčitanija socijalistička veb stranica. WSWS je otkrio 70 procenata pad u preporukama prilikom pretraživanja na Google-u. Pod sistematskom blokadom su novinski članci i eseji u vezi politike, historije i kulture.

Pod lažnim izgovorom da se blokiraju “lažne vijesti,” Google se bavi političkom cenzurom. Postoji jasan dokaz da se Google-va manipulacija nad rezultatima pretraživanja usko kordinira sa vojnim, obavještanim agencijama i moćnim korporativnim interesima.

Ova molba zahtijeva da zaustavite Google-ov napad na slobodu govora, nezavisnu misao i osnovno pravo na necenzurirane informacije.

Bahasa Indonesia

Hentikan penyensoran internet! Akhiri daftar hitam Google dari Situs Web Sosialis Dunia!

Pada bulan April, Google mulai mengunakan pencarian algoritma dan protokol baru yang memblokir akses ke situs internet yang berhubungan dengan sosialis, anti perang, dan progresif.

Google terutama menargetkan Situs internet World Socialist Web Site, publikasi socialis di Internet yang paling banyak dibaca. WSWS mengalami penurunan sebesar 70 persen dari pencarian Google situs. Artikel berita dari WSWS dan esai tentang politik, sejarah dan budaya diblokir secara sistematis.

Dengan alasan palsu untuk melawan “berita palsu,” Google terlibat dalam penyensoran politik. Ada bukti kuat bahwa manipulasi hasil pencarian di Google dikoordinasikan ketat dengan kaum militer, badan intelijen, dan kepentingan perusahaan besar.

Petisi ini menuntut anda untuk menghentikan serangan dan penindasan dari Google atas kemerdekaan berbicara, angan-angan, ajaran-ajaran independen, dan hak dasar untuk mendapat informasi tanpa sensor.


سانسور اینترنت را متوقف کنید!
به قراردادن تارنمای جهانی سوسیالیست در لیست سیاه گوگل پایان دهید!

مخاطبین طومار: سرگیی برین رییس کمپانی الفابت، لاری پیج مدیر ارشد اجرایی الفابت، اریک اشمیت رییس هییت مدیره

ماه آوریل، گوگل با به کار گرفتن الگو ریتم های جستجو و پروتکل های جدید به بلوکه کردن تارنما های سوسیالیست، ضد جنگ و مترقی پرداخته است

گوگل مخصوصا تارنمای جهانی سوسیالیست را که گسترده ترین و بیشترین خوانندگان را در میان تارنماهای سوسیالیستی دارد مورد هدف قرار داده است . این تارنما با کاهش 70 درصدی رجوعی از جستجوی گوگل مواجه شده و اخبار و مقالات ان در باره سیاست، تاریخ و فرهنگ به طور سازمان یافته بلوکه و مسدود شده است

تحت عنوان جعلی مقابله با “اخبار جعلی”، گوگل به سانسور سیاسی پرداخته است . مدارک روشنی وجود دارد که به هماهنگی نزدیک گوگل با سازمان های نظامی، اطلاعاتی و شرکت های قدرتمند بزرگ ذینفع در جهت دستکاری نتایج جستجو دلالت دارد

این طومار از شما میخواهد که حمله گوگل به آزادی بیان، اندیشه مستقل و حق اساسی دسترسی به اطلاعات بدون سانسور را متوقف کنید


중단하라! 인터넷 검열! 끝내라! ‘세계사회주의웹사이트’에 대한 구글의 블랙리스트!

지난 4월, 구글은 새 검색 알고리즘과 프로토콜을 소개했다. 이는 사회주의와 반 전쟁, 진보적인 웹사이트에 접근하는 것을 막는 것이었다.

구글은 특히 가장 널리 읽히는 사회주의 인터넷 간행물인 ‘세계사회주의웹사이트’를 공략했다. 이에 세계사회주의웹사이트는 구글 검색어 추천에서 70%가 감소하기도 했다. 현재 이 사이트의 정치와 역사, 문화 영역 뉴스 기사들은 시스템적으로 차단되고 있다.

‘가짜 뉴스’라고 하는 부정직한 명목 아래, 구글은 정치적 검열에 관계된 것이다. 여기엔 분명한 증거가 있다. 구글의 검색 결과 조작은 군과 정보부들, 힘 있는 회사의 이익과 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다.

이 호소문은 여러분이 자유 발언과 독립적인 사고, 비검열 정보에 대한 기본권에 대한 구글의 공격을 멈춰줄 것을 요청한다.









Stopp internett-sensur!
Få slutt på Googles svartelisting av World Socialist Web Site!

Adressert: Sergey Brin, President of Alphabet Inc., Larry Page, CEO of Alphabet Inc., Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet, Inc.

I april introduserte Google nye søkealgoritmer og protokoller som blokkerer tilgang til sosialistiske, antikrig og progressive nettsteder.

Google har spesielt siktet på World Socialist Web Site, den mest leste sosialistiske internettpublikasjonen. WSWS har opplevd en nedgang på 70 prosent av henvisningene fra Google-søk. Nettstedets nyhetsartikler og essays om politikk, historie og kultur blir systematisk blokkert.

Under det falske påskuddet om å motvirke «falske nyheter», er Google engasjert i politisk sensur. Det er klare bevis for at Google manipulerer søkeresultatene i tett samarbeid med militæret, etterretningstjenestene og sterke foretaksinteresser.

Dette oppropet krever at dere stopper Googles angrep på ytringsfriheten, den frie tanke og den grunnleggende retten til usensurert informasjon.

Featured comments

Sophie, from Edinburgh, UK

“The WSWS is the best source for information on American imperialism available online… Clearly Google, in collusion with the US government, fears the growing class-consciousness amongst the masses of America and Europe, along with the oppressed nations worldwide already living under the jackboot of US hegemony.”

Paris, from Greece

“WSWS is a significant source of information on the international workers’ movement and the struggle of oppressed people worldwide,” Paris from Greece wrote, “Down with the censorship!”

Adam from Baltimore, Maryland

“Google is now one of the bitterest enemies of working people. Workers must, as with the whole capitalist economy, take over Google and run it for their own interests, rather than the billionaires and millionaires that gorge themselves off of Google’s collection and sale of private information.”

Robert, from Germany

“The campaign against WSWS and other progressive web sites is not just some dystopian nightmare. We all must wake up.”

David, from New South Wales, Australia

“This is an outrageous, deliberate and dangerous attack on the world’s working class. When governments and business collude to actively block information from public view it signals that they are actively and consciously moving to Police State method of population control.”

Kate, from Australia

 “I oppose in the strongest terms Google censorship of the WSWS. The analysis provided on the WSWS is authoritative and it is the only website that tells the working class the truth. Something that is sorely needed in a world where the future of humanity is threatened, on a daily basis, by the threat of nuclear war. The blocking of the WSWS is a deliberate attack on freedom of speech and free thought, and I demand that Google stop this attack on the most basic of democratic rights, the right to uncensored information.”

Pedro, from São Paulo, Brazil

The World Socialist Web Site is one of the few Internet resources for class-conscious, genuinely progressive commentary and analysis. For the capitalist crisis to be overcome, it’s imperative for the working class to have unrestrained access to this very kind of courageous political and theoretical insight into world affairs. Theory and Marxist analysis is an indispensable tool for social change! Stop Google’s censorship of the WSWS and other progressive websites!”

Cesar, from Peru

And Cesar from Peru: “The international working class has the right to reach websites that contribute to their political development. I am not surprised that the WSWS has been targeted by a world capitalist corporation which controls information, since the WSWS is the only website that offers a clear international, socialist perspective to working people across the world. Keep up the fight!”

© 2017,  World Socialist Web Site.  A Petition Against Google’s Censorship of the Internet.