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Just When I Think I've Figured Out the Relationship Between What Trump Says and Reality

The NYPD Plans To Charge At Least Nine Proud Boys And Three Leftist Protesters With Riot And Assault

Trump Reportedly Setting Up Obvious Trap for Democrats to Fall Into

Forget Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test. Never Forget That Melania and Donald Trump Are Birthers

State High Court Blocks Rick Scott’s Planned Court-Packing Power Grab

"This is live voter suppression": Black Voters Matter blocked from taking Georgia seniors to vote

A Decades-Old Law Protecting Native Americans from Family Separation Is Under Threat

San Francisco’s Earthquake-Unsafe Jail Leaves Prisoners in Peril

Stop Working for Fox News

Trump denies offering $1 million for Warren DNA test, even though he did

There's a Lot of Talk About "Mobs" These Days. Let Me Refer You to the Constitutional Convention.

Trump Baby Blimp Flies Again as Thousands of Women March in Chicago

GOP Blame Game Begins

Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Results
The results point to "strong evidence" that she had a Native American ancestor six to 10 generations ago, according to an expert.

Trump, Upset About "60 Minutes" Questions: "I'm President And You’re Not"

NYPD Under Fire for Not Arresting Alt-Right Group Seen Violently Beating Up Protesters

Berlin hit by a political "earthquake" after Bavarian election shakes major parties

Hurricane Michael: Dozens still missing on Florida coast

Census Citizenship Question Lawsuits Move Toward Supreme Court Showdown

The 2018 Midterms Have Already Begun

New Study Shows the Huge Costs of the Republican War on Obamacare

99.7 Percent of Unique FCC Comments Favored Net Neutrality

DHS finds increasing attempts to hack U.S. election systems ahead of midterms

Saudi officials will admit Jamal Khashoggi died in an interrogation gone wrong, sources say

American Bar Association drops review of Kavanaugh

Four Ways Georgia Is Suppressing Voters as Early Voting Begins

Undercover Cops Use Facebook to Track Political Protesters
-- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Trump Signals Journalists Are Fair Game
The president’s dismissive attitude toward the disappearance and likely murder of Jamal Khashoggi reflect the corruption at the core of his administration.

"Put Whatever You Need in There"; Texas Judge Accused of Issuing Blank Warrants

Few Democrats Offer Alternatives for War-Weary Voters
-- Jeff Cohen for BuzzFlash at Truthout

No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael's Survivors Are Furious
Miles and miles of Florida are obliterated, and residents have been left to fend for themselves with little help from the government.

Climate Change Activists Have a Plan to Finally Turn Out Voters This Year

Hurricane Michael adds to hardship of Florida's poor

How this Mexican-Palestinian-American progressive is selling the anti-corruption message in Trump country

The Growth of Sinclair’s Conservative Media Empire

Trump on his treatment of Christine Blasey Ford at rally: "It doesn't matter. We won."

Saudi missing journalist: White House shirks Saudi Arabia's retaliation threat over Jamal Khashoggi claims