An author used Twitter followers campaigns to establish himself as an influencer

Matias Tombolini (@matiastombolini) is a noteworthy economist, professor, and author based in Argentina.

Campaign objective

Matias wanted to establish himself as a top influencer on politics and economic topics in Latin America. He actively uses Twitter organically to share his opinions and chat with people interested in similar topics.

To help him accelerate his follower growth and increase engagements, Matias decided to compliment his organic Twitter strategy with a followers campaign.


Targeting people in Latin America who are interested in economic, social, and political issues.



higher follow rate compared to industry benchmark

Keys to success

Make Tweet copy benefit-driven and concise

Matias’s Tweet copy caught readers’ attention by asking a question and explaining the benefit of following. To keep the audience focused on pressing the follow button, the Tweet included the word ‘follow’ and didn’t feature any hashtags or images. By being clear and specific, he was able to maximize his results.

Use follower targeting to reach the right audience

Matias used follower targeting to reach people who were likely to be interested in his content. He targeted people who followed similar public figures, opinion-makers, and media outlets, such as @CarlosMelconian, @andyfreire and @Cronistacom.

Compliment your Twitter Ads campaign with effective organic content

Gaining followers means building an interested audience with which you can engage over time. Matias interacted with his growing audience by sharing both pre-scheduled Tweets and in-the-moment content on current political topics. By complimenting his followers campaign with strong organic content, he derived maximum benefit from Twitter.

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