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Event targeting

Event targeting allows advertisers to quickly and easily discover, plan for, and activate events on Twitter. Our Event calendar, found in your ads account, surfaces hundreds of events around the world showing the people who are interested or participating. Our one-click campaign activation allows you to easily and directly reach that audience. 

How it works

You can access our Event calendar in your ads account in the Analytics < Events tab. Here you can browse events available for targeting. 

To target an event in a campaign:

  1. Access our Event calender in the Analytics < Events tab
  2. Browse our event categories, or search for a specific event by name
  3. Filter by date, event type, or location to find the event you want to target
  4. Click the name of an event to see details, including the total reach of last year's event as well as gender, device, and location demographics of people interested and participating in this event
  5. Choose the Create new campaign button in the top right of the event page and select the campaign objective you'd like to start
  6. You'll be brought to the campaign setup form for the campaign objective you've chosen
  7. Fill in the rest of your campaign parameters and launch your campaign!

#ProTip: To get the best results out of your event targeting we recommend only adding geo-location and language targeting on top. 

Get the #details

Audiences for event targeting are built based on a number of signals including user Tweet content, behavior, and engagement. It includes negative sentiment filters, so users negatively tweeting about the event will automatically be filtered out from seeing your campaign. 

In the event calendar, you'll be able to see the following data:

  • Tweets: the number of Tweets about the event
  • Total reach / Audience size: the number of people that were reached during last year's event
  • Impressions: the number of people who saw Tweets about the event

Don't see metrics for an event? Event data begins populating up to 30 days before an event begins.  If it's the first year we're including the event as a targeting option, we won't show the total reach metric. 

Please note that you can start targeting an event in your campaigns up to two weeks before it starts. The start and end date of all events are listed in the event calendar. Events expire three weeks after they're over, and you will no longer be able to target that event in your campaign after that time. 

Event targeting FAQs

  • What additional targeting can I layer onto event targeting?
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    Quick answer:

    You're able to layer on any other types of targeting in your campaign. However, to get the most out of your event targeting we recommend you only add on geo-location and language targeting. This way, your campaign has the full opportunity to reach the users participating in the event. 

    More details:

    Event targeting is an example of Additive targeting, also know as "OR" targeting. 

    Additive targeting types - "OR" targeting: 

    These targeting types will layer onto each other making your potential campaign audience larger. For example, a user who fits Targeting piece 1 OR piece 2 OR piece 3, etc will be eligible to be served the ad. 

    • Interest
    • Username (follower look-alikes)
    • Movies and TV shows
    • Behaviors
    • Events
    • Keywords
    • Conversation topics

    Subtractive targeting types - "AND" targeting:

    These targeting types will make your potential campaign audience smaller, as they'll all be respected. For example, a user who fits in targeting piece 1 AND piece 2 AND piece 3 will be eligible to be served the ad.

    • Geo location
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Device model
    • Platform
    • Language

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  • When is event targeting the best targeting option?
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    This targeting option is perfect for advertisers looking to be part of a moment, joining the conversation around that event. The benefits of event targeting include the ability to target events that have a ramp up and a ramp down period, where your campaigns can serve to users who are anticipating the beginning and re-living the end. 

    If your advertising goals are to reach people whose participation in an event likely aligns with your business, this targeting type is a great tool. 

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  • I don't see an event I want to include in my campaign
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    Our event calendar has hundreds of events all accross the globe. If an event will be targetable by your campaigns it will show up in the event calendar at least two weeks the event begins. If an event does not show up in the calendar within two weeks of the event going live, unfortunately it is not a targetable event. 

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