Check out our exclusive library of resources and case studies for you to expertly pitch and manage video campaigns on Twitter.

Pitching Twitter video to a client?

Get the basics first. This overview explains the power of Twitter video.

Planning a campaign?

Remember to add in 3-second hooks, sound prompts, and faces. This deck covers strategies for creating and promoting watch-worthy video content.

Reaching for specific goals?

From product launches to brand ambassadors, this playbook spells out six ways to use video in your marketing strategy.

Need to see the stats?

We combed our research for the pitch-ready data you need to win a client.

Video case studies

See how other businesses achieved their goals with video views campaigns on Twitter.


  • 27% peak engagement rate
  • $0.04 cost-per-view
  • 48K video views


  • 5.4M Tweet impressions
  • 1.4M video views
  • £0.02 average cost-per-view


  • 169M Twitter emoji impressions
  • 17M+ video views
  • 68.7M Tweet impressions

Best practices

These Twitter video best practices will show you how to quickly make a lasting impact.

  1. Hook the audience.

    Eighty-one percent of the top-performing video ads deliver a dynamic start that viewers have to follow ‘til the end.*

    See RNLI’s energetic opening:

  2. Be human.

    Featuring people in the first few frames of a video doubles the viewer retention.** Use people to make your videos approachable.

    See Reebok’s friendly faces:

  3. Flash that logo.

    Once someone watches 3 seconds of a Twitter video, their ad recall increases by 38%.*** Make sure the client’s name is what the viewer is recalling.

    See Pandora’s dynamic branding:

  4. Write it out.

    Ninety-three percent of Twitter videos are viewed on mobile devices.**** Add subtitles to your ad, in case the viewer left their headphones at home.

    See’s lively subtitles:

  5. Tell a story.

    Forty-eight percent of top performing video ads set up a problem that gets resolved in the end.* Make your sequence of events easy to follow.

    See Pizza Hut’s clear conflict:

*Ace Metrix Analysis & Data, 2015
**Nielsen, DAN + Twitter Video Content Best Practices Research, May 2015
*** Nielsen Brand Effect, 2015
****Twitter Internal Data, July 2016

Ready to advertise on Twitter?