Quick Replies

API Reference contents

Options Quick Reply

List of up to 20 predefined options presented for a user to choose from. For use with POST direct_messages/events/new (message_create).

Quick Reply Object

quick_reply.type (required) Must be set to options
quick_reply.option (required) An array of options objects.

Option Object

label (required) The text label displayed on the button face. Label text is returned as the user’s message response. String, max length of 36 characters including spaces. Values with URLs are not allowed and will return an error.
description (optional) Optional description text displayed under label text. All options must have this property defined if property is present in any option. Text is auto-wrapped and will display on a max of two lines and supports n for controling line breaks. Description text is not include in the user’s message response. String, max length of 72 characters including spaces.
metadata (optional) Metadata that will be sent back in the webhook request. String, max length of 1,000 characters including spaces.

Example Request

Although not required, if one option defines the description, then all options must contain the description.

  "event": {
    "type": "message_create",
    "message_create": {
      "target": {
        "recipient_id": "844385345234"
      "message_data": {
        "text": "What's your favorite type of bird?",
        "quick_reply": {
          "type": "options",
          "options": [
              "label": "Red Bird",
              "description": "A description about the red bird.",
              "metadata": "external_id_1"
              "label": "Blue Bird",
              "description": "A description about the blue bird.",
              "metadata": "external_id_2"
              "label": "Black Bird",
              "description": "A description about the black bird.",
              "metadata": "external_id_3"
              "label": "White Bird",
              "description": "A description about the white bird.",
              "metadata": "external_id_4"

Example User Response

The type and metadata will be present in the quick_reply_response object. The label for the chosen option is sent as the message text.

  "event": {
    "type": "message_create",
    "id": "1234858592",
    "created_timestamp": "1392078023603",
    "message_create": {
      "target": {
        "recipient_id": "1234858592"
      "sender_id": "3805104374",
      "message_data": {
        "text": "Blue Bird",
        "entities": {
          "hashtags": [],
          "symbols": [],
          "urls": [],
          "user_mentions": []
        "quick_reply_response": {
          "type": "options",
          "metadata": "external_id_2"