
Launch on Twitter

Introduce yourself to the world and get best-in-class results, with boosts in awareness, message association, and favorability.

You’ve spent months developing a new product, brand, ad campaign, or message, and now you’re ready to introduce it to the world. But launching is hardly foolproof: 25-45% of product launches fail (McKinsey Global Institute).  

With Twitter’s speed, influence, premium audience, and ROI, marketers can achieve their goals when they launch on Twitter. The articles below share more details about how and why you should launch on Twitter. Get the data that shares how we outperform other platforms while reaching influential audiences, capturing attention, and boosting brand metrics. You’ve worked hard to create your product, now get the launch that brings your campaign to life.


Twitter users watched video 3.5X longer than on two other leading platforms.

Kantar: Millward Brown Intuitive Associations for Twitter; behavioral data captured during eye tracking, March 2017
Speed, influence, and impact: How to launch on Twitter
Ready to launch? Why you should turn to Twitter


90% of Twitter users read the ad text vs. 56-61% on other platforms.

Kantar: Millward Brown Intuitive Associations for Twitter; behavioral data captured during eye tracking, March 2017
How Heinz harnessed the power of Twitter and got 1 billion impressions in 48 hours
How Sonos used Twitter First View and Promoted Trend to break through the pre-holiday tech launch clutter


Twitter Launches drive +10% in Brand Awareness (control vs. exposed)

Nielsen Brand Effect: Product Launch campaigns, n=87 studies, Sept 2015-August 2017; Percentages refer to % uplifts (not deltas or percentage point difference
Advertising on Twitter drives audiences to watch TV
Creative best practices to rock your next launch

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