Case Study

Adidas relaunches its Predator boots with Twitter In-Stream Video Ads

Key results

The opportunity

With the aim of relaunching the iconic Predator soccer boots, taking them from the stadium to the street, Adidas España () found that Twitter was the perfect partner for finding users interested in soccer and reaching them with its inspiring campaign message.

The strategy

To achieve this, they used all the promoted video options available on Twitter. They benefited from the power of the First View format on launch day to generate awareness; the In-Stream Video Ads, which enabled them to include their brand before Premium content on sport, segmenting their target audience; and finally, they successfully took users to their website through the Video Website Card, where they were able to learn more and buy the product.

Maximize your awareness with First View.

adidas_ES released its hero video in First View format, the video format with the widest coverage. In this way, it was able to have an impact on the entire Twitter audience in 24 hours, taking control of the first advertising impact of the day and reaching users at a time when they were most receptive and paying the most attention.

Associate your brand with Premium content.

With In-Stream Video Ads, was able to introduce its hero video together with Premium content videos on sport and other related topics, at the same time segmenting its target audience.

Incentivize action.

, offered its users, through the Video Website Card format, the option to visit the Adidas website and buy their boots while continuing to enjoy the hero video. The brand reached users who had already shown interest in the product in the earlier stages of the campaign.

The success

, one of the first advertisers to use our In-Stream Video Ads format, successfully took advantage of our entire suite of video ad solutions, alternating different formats in line with its aims during the different stages of the campaign.

In this way, it maximized its brand awareness on launch day, increased its coverage during the campaign's intermediate stage by targeting an audience that already had an interest and managed to move users into the last stages of the marketing funnel by directing traffic to its website during the campaign's final stage.  

Adidas always opts for innovative formats, and Twitter's In-Stream Video enables us to associate ourselves with relevant, premium content and reach an audience with an existing interest in discovering content.

Beatriz Fernández, Account Director, Carat ()

Solutions used

Expanding reach

Tweets are everywhere. And this enormous, international real-time reach is within your brand’s grasp.

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Audience targeting

You want your message to be heard by the right person. Twitter's targeting capabilities ensure it will be.

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