Target based on off-Twitter actions

Behavior targeting enables you to reach audiences on Twitter based on their shopping behavior, lifestyle, and other key attributes.

With this type of targeting, you can reach users who have shown powerful signals of intent outside of Twitter — helping you achieve the highest possible return on investment from your advertising campaigns.

How behavior targeting works

With behavior targeting, you can reach audiences based on how they behave online and offline, based on information provided by Twitter partners.

For example, with this information, a pet food company can connect with dog owners that purchase a specific brand of dog food. A nonprofit can reach an audience that donates to a specific cause. And luxury brands can limit campaigns to shoppers who earn a household income above a certain threshold.

How to set up behavior targeting

Advertisers running campaigns in the U.S. can "Add behaviors" when selecting targeting criteria.

Expand the "Add behaviors" option to search, browse, and select the behaviors that best describe your target audience. You can select from a variety of behavior categories including specific brand purchases, lifestyle, and household characteristics.

Behavior targeting is currently available to advertisers running campaigns in the U.S. and the U.K. To get started, log in to

Find about out the other types of Twitter Ads targeting.


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