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Kavanaugh & the future of democracy in America

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This week, the FBI is doing a further background check on Brett Kavanaugh, but serious questions remain as to how much the White House has tied the FBI’s hands. In today’s ...

Digby on Kavanaugh

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One of our favorite writers Heather “Digby” Parton, of the blog Hullabaloo, joins us for a long discussion of the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. (The ...

Kavanaugh perjured himself. Here are his top lies.

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The Senate Democrats put together a nice list of Brett Kavanaugh’s top lies under oath at yesterday’s Judiciary Committee Supreme Court nomination hearing. Here it is: Kavanaugh’s ...

Kavanaugh’s attorney attacks Swetnick: Why wouldn’t a girl report sexual assault at a party? Here’s why.

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Lindsey Graham today attacked Brett Kavanaugh’s newest accuser, Julie Swetnick, who claims Kavanaugh and his friends aided and abetted the serial gang-rape of young girls, including ...

Obamacare, Kavanaugh and the elections

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In today’s UnPresidented podcast, Cliff and I discuss the latest on the growing Kavanaugh imbroglio, Rod Rosenstein’s future, how Obamacare has ended up being a losing issue ...

Rosie O’Donnell on Trump, Kavanaugh, the Apprentice tapes, Mueller, leaving The View, growing up gay, and the elections

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Cliff and I had a great conversation with Rosie O’Donnell about a whole slew of subjects, including the origins of her long-running feud with Donald Trump (“he’s a ...

Beto O’Rourke 2 points ahead of Ted Cruz in new poll — first time Beto leads

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A new Reuters poll shows Democrat Beto O’Rourke 2 points ahead of Tea Party Republican Ted Cruz in the hotly-contested Texas Senate race. (Within the margin of error.) This is ...

The FBI must investigate the Kavanaugh rape allegations

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In a brilliant move, that is well-merited to boot, Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, demanded tonight that the FBI investigate her rape allegations before she ...

MarioKart trends on Twitter as Stormy compares Toad to Trump’s privates

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MarioKart and Toad are trending on Twitter. But not for the reasons you might think. Stormy Daniels used the game to describe the look of Donald Trump’s privates. Just when you ...

Kavanaugh in flames

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Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court is in flames. Only days before the scheduled Senate vote, a law professor from California, Christine Blasey Ford, came forward ...
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