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Number of new HIV infections among persons aged 13 years and over.


Number of persons aged 13 years and over living with HIV infection (diagnosed and undiagnosed).


The National HIV Surveillance System (NHSS) is the nation's source of timely information used to track the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The term HIV/AIDS is used to refer to 3 categories of diagnoses collectively: (1) a diagnosis of HIV infection (not AIDS), (2) a diagnosis of HIV infection and a later diagnosis of AIDS, and (3) concurrent diagnoses of HIV infection and AIDS. HIV/AIDS surveillance is conducted by health departments in each state or territory and the District of Columbia. Data are collected using standard confidential case reports and are reported to CDC without personal identifiers.


Estimated incidence in the United States, 2007-2010. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report 2012; 17 (4). {link:50123}. Published December 2012


Prevention of HIV/AIDS, other STIs and Pregnancy: Group-based Comprehensive Risk Reduction Interventions for Adolescents

Comprehensive risk reduction (CRR) promotes behaviors that prevent or reduce the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Youth Development Behavioral Interventions Coordinated with Community Service to Reduce Sexual Risk Behaviors in Adolescents

Youth development behavioral interventions employ a holistic approach to adolescent health and wellness, and may or may not include components that are focused directly on pregnancy and STI prevention.

Interventions to Reduce Sexual Risk Behaviors or Increase Protective Behaviors to Prevent Acquisition of HIV in Men Who Have Sex with Men: Individual-, Group-, and Community-level Behavioral Interventions

Behavioral interventions to prevent acquisition of HIV in men who have sex with men (MSM) include: individual-level HIV behavioral interventions through a personal interaction between a deliverer and an MSM; group-level HIV behavioral interventions delivered by a trained facilitator and reinforced by other group members; and, community-level HIV behavioral interventions that change knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs.

Interventions to Identify HIV-positive People Through Partner Counseling and Referral Services

Partner counseling and referral services (PCRS) are part of the spectrum of care for HIV-positive people and their sexual or needle-sharing partners.