
Walter Rodney's "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"

Notes on a classic work of dependency theory.

Gabriel Kolko's "The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History 1900–1916"

(See for more commentaries on left-wing scholarship.)

The Book of Joe: A Satire of Capitalist Society

An updating of the Bible's Book of Job for modern society.

Are we now in a period of transition from capitalism to socialism? H. Ticktin’s concept of decline and transition

Capitalism must be overthrown before a transitional period can be initiated. There must be a total rupture with value production. In order for this to happen the working class must capture political power and set about consciously transforming social production relations. Ticktin’s conceptions seem like those other aficionados of a seamless transition to communism, who have long lost hope in the working class being the agent of revolution.

Cuadernos de Negación – Against the Valorization of Life – Part I

We have decided to undertake the task of translation the whole of CUARDERNOS DE NEGACIÓN 11th issue (May 2018), entitled “Contra la valorización de la vida” (tr. Against the valorization of life). Here we present the first part of our translation.

New US Prison Strike Takes us to the Dark Heart of Capitalism

Prison labour is a billion-dollar industry, and the corporate beneficiaries of this slave labour include some of the largest corporations and most widely known brands. There are literally hundreds of corporations and firms that exploit prison labour.

Against mirror world: fascists were not socialists

Black Book of Communism

A couple of excerpts from the work of scholars of fascism against the notion that the fascists were socialists.

Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States

This book, published in 2014, attempts to bring Marxism and the solidarity economy together in both theory and practice.

The necessity of a moral revolution

Peter Kropotkin

Reflections on the moral transformation that has to occur, and that we can expect will occur in the coming decades.

The American oligarchy

Wall Street

A review of a book that investigates the moral rot corroding U.S. society from the top down.