
Abahlali baseMjondolo march against assassinations in Durban

Abahlali baseMjondolo outside the Durban City Hall - 8 October 2018

More than 5 000 members of Abahlali baseMjondolo took to the streets of Durban yesterday to demand accountability for, and an end to, political violence being meted out against their comrades and other activists.

On capitalist restructuring in the SYRIZA-ANEL times: It is not humanitarianism, it’s capitalist restructuring, stupid!

It is not humanitarianism, it’s capitalist restructuring, stupid!

After the polarized days of the 2015 referendum, the period that followed the Greek government has normalized many of the rupture points it supposedly had with the “institutions” and became a submissive student without causing considerable reactions domestically, at least so far. In our analysis, the failure of the previous cycle of struggles (roughly between 2008 and 2012) precedes the rise of the SYRIZA-led government...

Motivos pelos quais o sistema precisa de Bolsonaro - Iniciativa Revolução Universal

O Bolsonarismo, seja com o pretexto de combatê-lo ou para melhor apoiá-lo, é um convite à submissão às instituições do sistema. Em ambos os lados está a defesa inquestionável da disciplina social capitalista, da sujeição em massa ao Estado todo-poderoso, seja para conjurar a “ameaça esquerdista” cujo perigo estaria no retorno do PT ao poder (segundo os bolsonaristas), ou para prevenir a “ameaça fascista” representada pelo demônio-chefe Bolsonaro. Produto máximo da contra-revolução e terror de Estado após a derrota da onda de rebeliões de 2013-2014, o Bolsonarismo representa a tentativa maior de fazer a classe trabalhadora aderir à colaboração com o Estado e fraternizar com os exploradores.

IWW Couriers Network: Why We're Striking on October 4th

The IWW Courier Network has called for a UK-wide strike of food delivery couriers on October 4th. Cities confirmed to be taking part so far include London, Glasgow, Cardiff, Bristol, Newcastle and Plymouth. Couriers in other cities are currently in discussion about joining the action.

Urgent Demo Callout By Glasgow Tenants! Shut Down Slum Landlords!

On Sunday the 30th of September a collective of Glasgow tenants is holding a demonstration against the eviction of a reclaimed slum tenement block by Police Scotland in alliance with notorious slumlord Harpal "Harry" Singh. Here is the text from their demo callout.

Glasgow Tenants Take Action Against Slumlords

On the 23rd of September a collective of Glasgow tenants took back a block of tenements from notorious slumlord Harpal Singh. This is their statement on the events that followed.

Jorge from Distrito 14 collective (Madrid) on the verge of imprisonment

Article translated from the Madrid-based anarchist publication Todo Por Hacer relating to the likely jail time faced by anti-eviction activist Jorge Jiménez from the anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-fascist collective Distrito 14.
Original article here: