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White Men Have Good Reason to Be Scared

We’re coming for their power.

Kai Wright

US Wars and Military Action

American Officials Could Be Prosecuted for War Crimes in Yemen

Under international law, Washington—during both the Obama and Trump administrations—has been a co-belligerent with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Mohamad Bazzi
Immigration Policy

Immigrant Families Living in the US Are Still Fighting for Their Right to Stay Together

Trump's attack on Temporary Protected Status expands family separation far beyond the southern border.

Michelle Chen

SOPHIE and Blood Orange’s Thrilling Transformations

SOPHIE’s Oil of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides and Blood Orange’s Negro Swan capture two high-wire acts of musical reinvention.

Bijan Stephen
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From the Magazine

climate crisis

Planet Earth Is Doomed. How Do I Go On?

Another reader asks how to respond to an alt-right wedding invitation.

Liza Featherstone

1.5 to Stay Alive, Says a Landmark UN Climate Report

A 2 degrees C rise would be catastrophic, and avoiding it requires radical change and climate justice.

Tom Athanasiou

The Climate-Wrecking Industry… and How to Beat It

Insisting that we’re all responsible for global warming lets the biggest corporate polluters off the hook.

Jason Mark


Nikki Haley Was Never the Adult in the Room

This political opportunist made herself an ally, an apologist, and an acolyte of a man she once recognized as “irresponsible.”

John Nichols

How Democrats Fail by Ignoring Candidates Of Color

New candidates will create opportunities for Democrats across the country—if the establishment is willing to back them.

Steve Phillips

The Wealth-Defense Industry

Lessons from the Trumps’ tax-avoidance racket.

Chuck Collins


Amsterdam Is Fighting for Its Soul. Can a Progressive New Government Save It?

The new city government has big ambitions—but the challenges could prove even bigger.

Sebastiaan Faber

How Lula’s Legacy Hurts His Party’s Prospects

The grand ambitions of the former Brazilian president planted the seeds for the Workers’ Party current woes.

Omar G. Encarnación

‘We Are Not Here to Manage Capitalism’: Labour Takes a Socialist Turn

At this year’s conference in Liverpool, the Corbyn wing of the party was firmly in control.

Rachel Shabi


Who Owns Kafka?

The complicated legacy of the writer’s estate.

Evan Kindley

Nate Chinen’s Daring New History of Modern Jazz

Nate Chinen’s new book confronts the contemporary jazz moment with clarity and authority.

David Hajdu

Anarchy in the GDR

A Q&A with Tim Mohr.

William Ralston

Watch and Listen

Listen: These Senators Need to Be Told: Do Not Vote for Kavanaugh

Joan Walsh on the confirmation hearings, D.D. Guttenplan on a new radical majority, and Michelle Chen on the Fight for $15.

October 4, 2018

Watch: These Tenants Are Leading the Largest Rent Strike in LA History

Residents of three buildings in Central Los Angeles are refusing to pay rent until their landlord agrees to fair rent increases.

August 20, 2018

Watch: More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters: The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons

What we can learn from one of the great organizers in American history.

November 15, 2016


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Demand Action in Response to Climate Scientists’ Urgent Warnings

You can also support progressive ballot initiatives and learn about the rise of fascism in Europe.

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