Google Best Practices

Want to get the most out of your AdWords account? Google's Best Practices Series provides strategic advice on core search engine marketing tactics. It's intended to help you get the most out of AdWords. Based on Google's internal data and vetted by the people that built AdWords, this series helps form the foundation of your paid search strategies. 

Featured guide

Optimize Your Landing Pages to Drive Conversions
Improving your landing pages might be one of the biggest optimizations you can make to your AdWords campaign. In this guide, learn how to optimize your landing page experience on desktop and mobile to convert more of your ad clicks into sales.

Get Started with AdWords

What are Search Ads
Create a Campaign
Pick The Right Keywords
Write Great Text Ads
Track Your Goals
Review Your Performance

Find new customers

Choosing the Right Keywords
Optimizing Dynamic Search Ads
Making the Most of Display Advertising
Press Play on TrueView Video Ads
(Mobile) Finding the Right Mobile App Users
(Mobile) Connect with Mobile Users
Expand Your Business Globally
Drive Sales with Gmail Ads

Show the right message

Create Effective Text Ads
Enhance Your Ads with the Right Extensions
Create Effective Display Ads
Using Quality Score to Guide Optimizations

Optimize to full value

Adjusting Bids to Maximize Profits
A Guide to Bid Adjustments
Finding Success with AdWords Smart Bidding
Optimizing AdWords with Google Analytics
Beyond Last-Click Attribution 

Re-engage customers

Reach the Right Audience with RLSA and Customer Match
Reach Past Visitors with Display Remarketing
(Mobile) Increase Mobile App Engagement

Feature your products

(Mobile) Capture Mobile Shoppers with Your Shopping Campaigns
Create and Optimize Effective Shopping Campaigns
Unlock Holiday Shopping Success
Drive Foot Traffic to Your Stores
Optimize and Manage Your Product Data in Merchant Center

Work more effectively

Test with Confidence in AdWords
Manage Campaigns in the New AdWords Experience


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Looking for something more basic? Check out How to be successful with AdWords.


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