About us

who we are?

International Anarchist Defence Fund

Our collective solidarity structure provides support to anarchists around the world who are persecuted or find themselves in a difficult life situation because of their political ideas or activities.

The Anarchist Defence Fund incorporates the mode of solidarity introduced by the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund which successfully provides similar support to antifascists.

We are a collective structure because anyone who makes an annual donation of $20U.S./€20/£15 can join the decision-making body that decides if a certain request is supported by the fund. Decisions are taken online by consensus, or by a simple majority vote if consensus is not possible.

Get involved

How can you participate?


To support anarchists reaching out for help from the International Anarchist Defence Fund, donate or buy something from the distro in one of our partner shops. If your donation or…

Join us

We function as a collective of trusted individuals who deal with different tasks around keeping the Fund going. There are various roles people can hold in the collective: from spreading…

Spread the word

In this section you can find propaganda, elaborated by us, to promote the Afund. Spread the word. You will also find some tools that we use in our work and…

Anarchists are opposed to violence. The main plank of anarchism is the removal of violence from human relations. It is life based on the freedom of the individual, without the intervention of the police. For this reason we are enemies of capitalism, which depends on the protection of the police to force workers to allow themsleves to be exploited. We are therefore enemies of the State, which is the coercive, violent organization of society.
– Errico Malatesta

Support the Anarchist Defence Fund

There are several ways to help. One of them is buying items that go directly to the Fund.


Latest post

A-Fund sends support to the partner of anarchist prisoner Eric King

Eric G. King, a 30-year-old vegan anarchist, was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office…

A-Fund donates to an anarchist injured during A12 in Charlottesville

A white supremacist rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017 ended with murder. There was a group of people who…

The 4th Annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners Is Almost Here!

You might be wondering what you can do to help support antifa comrades in prison this July 25th—the International Day…


Get in touch

We accept requests for support via email a-fund@riseup.net and messages in social networks. We encourage you to use email whenever possible. Our public PGP key is here.
Supporting The International Anarchist Defence Fund is a perfect way of helping out comrades in need, especially when they don’t have access to local solidarity groups or support structures.
Check out our donation options.

International Anarchist Defence Fund


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