Rachel Maddow Show


I am not Rachel Maddow of CNBC. I am just a viewer who provides hopefully helpful feedback.

Beigetreten März 2010


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  1. 24. Juli 2010

    Do you suppose TRMS doesn't know the difference between the deficit and national debt? They do tend to get the most basic of facts wrong.

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  2. 24. Juli 2010

    TMRS must not have any fact checkers. Pity that, given the oratory eloquence of Ms. Maddow.

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  3. 24. Juli 2010

    If the U.S. took in zero revenue, that is, if taxes dropped to zero. The deficit would be equal to the operational budget: $3.83 trillion.

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  4. 24. Juli 2010

    TRMS claims that lowering taxes will result in a $3.5T increase beyond the $1.27T. That's a deficit of $4.77 trillion.

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  5. 24. Juli 2010

    The current deficit is $1.27 trillion, which is the difference between the budget and the current revenue of $2.57 trillion.

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  6. 24. Juli 2010

    Rachel Maddow went on a rant tonight about the Rubio ads, catchy music, and the addition of $3.5 Trillion to the deficit.

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  7. 23. Juni 2010

    Until recently, the Coast Guard was not governed by the DoD. It was part of the Dept of Transportation. You're welcome, TRMS.

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  8. 23. Juni 2010

    Rachel, and her staff, had no idea why the Secretary of Transportation was included in the list of those not to be disrespected by officers.

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  9. 23. Juni 2010

    Rachel Maddow, taking General McChrystal to task, quoted Article 88 of the UCMJ, expressing confusion when listing superiors.

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  10. 29. Mai 2010

    TRMS seems confused about the difference between Geeks and Nerds. Perhaps a primer is in order, but not now, I must return to the bat phone.

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  11. 29. Mai 2010

    There are few ways to make oil even more deadly to sealife than to sink it. One way is to burn it first to increase its molecular toxicity.

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  12. 29. Mai 2010

    When the oil reaches the seafloor, it becomes speciocide for the bottom dwelling sea life that forms the backbone of the Gulf's economy.

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  13. 29. Mai 2010

    Even worse, they cause the oil to sink where it cannot be skimmed; and where it can destroy the ecosystem that was beyond surface reach.

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  14. 29. Mai 2010

    Dispersants are so toxic, they can be used as military grade chemical weapons. They are a nondegrading poisons that kill indiscriminately.

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  15. 29. Mai 2010

    Now, what NOT to do after a deep water oil leak: NEVER use dispersants, and NEVER light the oil on fire. Any room temperature IQ knows this.

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  16. 29. Mai 2010

    The oil in the gulf can by cleaned up by a fleet of skimmer vessels, because oil is lighter than water, it is easy to skim off.

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  17. 29. Mai 2010

    Cleaning the gulf coast marshes is a matter of applying an oil consuming bacteria that can then be consumed by native predators. Easy, cheap

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  18. 29. Mai 2010

    This solution should hold well past the two months it takes to drill a relief well to solve the leak permanently.

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  19. 29. Mai 2010

    I created a prototype using a $22 worth of parts from Walmart. The device blocked the flow in a high pressure hydraulic pipe.

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  20. 29. Mai 2010

    As the massive pressure pushes against the dome, the cup edge expands to increase its lock friction. Stainless steel or ceramics will work.

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