Smacking Duck


Retired Air Force. Contrarian. Mostly here to amuse myself. Morning Tweets will be strange. For clarity find The Morning Mojo on Mojo50

Dang winding road was big loop
Beigetreten März 2012


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  1. hat retweetet
    vor 4 Stunden
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    Why is queue spelled the way it is? It's just a Q with a bunch of silent letters.

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    Here is a man threatening to rape my wife and five year old daughter. His name is Taylor Nowicki. Here’s his picture as well. @TaylorNowicki. If anyone knows this guy, please do not let children around him.

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  3. hat retweetet
    vor 4 Stunden

    "And you can tell everybody this is your slice ..."

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  4. hat retweetet

    How is a few Russians buying Facebook ads “election meddling” while Facebook banning & suspending some of Trump’s most prominent supporters a year before the presidential election not “election meddling”?

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  5. hat retweetet
    vor 6 Stunden
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    vor 6 Stunden
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    Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi stated that Democrats NEVER SAID THERE WASN'T A CRISIS at the border... Sooo... here's a mashup of Democrats (including her) saying there wasn't a crisis at the border 4 months ago.

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  8. vor 9 Stunden
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  9. vor 9 Stunden

    Sean of the Dead is a damned funny Zombie movie, . Funnier than Zombieland.

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  10. vor 10 Stunden

    If you’re gonna do crazy break-in stuff, just sneak in every once in a while and leave a couple of grapes somewhere they’ll find them

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  11. vor 10 Stunden

    Parole Officer: Whose underwear do you have on right now?

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  12. vor 10 Stunden
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  13. vor 11 Stunden

    GPS is not destroying the covered bridges. Morons with licenses are destroying the covered bridges.

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  14. vor 12 Stunden

    Welcome to the United States, bend over...

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  15. hat retweetet

    Grumpy cat has died leaving us all to ask the same obvious question: What did she know about Hillary Clinton?

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  16. hat retweetet
    vor 13 Stunden
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    I will carry on his legacy. Death cannot contain me!

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  17. vor 13 Stunden
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  18. hat retweetet
    16. Mai
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  19. hat retweetet
    16. Mai

    Worth noting that this guy knocked up his colleague’s daughter, threatened her when she chose to have the baby he demanded she kill, then refused to pay child support. Nobody loves abortion, which victimizes women and their babies, more than predatory men.

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  20. hat retweetet
    16. Mai

    Democrats will spend 12 hours reading the 448 page Mueller Report on the House Floor today Instead of: Fixing immigration Or solving the humanitarian crisis on our border Or working with the President to fix our infrastructure They would rather continue this political hoax

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