

Don't get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are. 🚫DMs 🚫LISTS

Beigetreten Oktober 2008


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  1. vor 20 Stunden

    MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD? I estimate at least 900,000 aliens illegally voted in midterms. New numbers out of Texas and Pennsylvania suggest foreign nationals illegally voting in massive numbers!

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  2. What a shame!! State Rep said he will pay his followers $100 if they are able to dox these innocent girls that were praying outside of Planned Parenthood. Crazy Democrats! I can’t believe our tax dollars are taking care of him! Who thinks he should step down ?

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  4. vor 14 Stunden

    A picture worth a thousand words, . Did it hurt to cut the middle finger on your left hand and drink deep of the pain? M.A. must have been so proud.

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  5. Let them speak the truth to all the Latin American people! You are fleeing socialism, don’t fall for the same trap that is the Dems! Freedom is the ability to earn your own way by working hard & being proud of your own accomplishments! Do it legally & believe in this REPUBLIC 🇺🇸

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  6. vor 15 Stunden

    Working overtime to set up a scapegoat are we? 😎 Way. Too. Late. You are ALL in very DEEP trouble. 🙂

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  7. vor 15 Stunden

    When they see you clearly , they will demand your head. - Make no mistake. We are counting your lies. And judgment is coming. - Your hands are red to match your shoes. Don't think the blood was forgotten. - So many secrets, just Standard business?

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  8. vor 15 Stunden

    We must ensure Dems are never again given the opportunity to try to destroy our country. Thank God Hillary lost.

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  9. The 30,000 additional visas are for seasonal summer work. The unemployment rate for teenagers in the U.S. is 13%, and for 20-24 yr olds it’s 7.8%. These are the Americans who want these jobs, and will be hurt by this new flood of foreign labor.

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  10. Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!

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  11. Watch this tasteless behavior by State Rep as he demonstrates how tough he is while mercilessly berating a quiet elderly woman for over 8 minutes. Great example to show young boys how NOT to act.

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  12. . was a disaster for crime in Newark Shootings reached the highest levels since the 90s under Booker Violent crime soared 33% from 2,415 offenses in 2007 to 3,219 in 2012 How did Booker respond? He laid off 167 police officers—the largest reduction in 32 years 🤔

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  13. In her defense, supporting terrorists in the Middle East seems to me to be the next logical step for a party that defends MS-13, demands open borders, and hates Jewish people and babies. Separately, how funny if Trump just deported her?

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  14. It’s deeply troubling that we’ve reached the point where no one is shocked when sitting members of congress, like & , side with Hamas terrorists over Israel. By remaining silent, democrat leadership & presidential candidates are endorsing this insanity.

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  15. Wow, Dems are such Bullies, Haters and where is CNN and MSNBC, Anderson, Cuomo and Lemon? If any white Flint councilman did this, it would be nonstop news media coverage... Odd! Don't see a single white person on that council! No white folks privilege in flint?

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  16. Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!

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  17. ....Alabama, Iowa, Nebraska, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and others unless much more money is given to Puerto Rico. The Dems don’t want farmers to get any help. Puerto Rico should be very happy and the Dems should stop blocking much needed Disaster Relief!

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  18. Puerto Rico has been given more money by Congress for Hurricane Disaster Relief, 91 Billion Dollars, than any State in the history of the U.S. As an example, Florida got $12 Billion & Texas $39 Billion for their monster hurricanes. Now the Democrats are saying NO Relief to......

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  19. Speaking of ouija boards... next thing you know Jimmy Hoffa will call him on labor relations:

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  20. Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!

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