About US election labels on Twitter

US election labels contain additional information about Twitter accounts for specified US political candidates. The label appears on the profile page of the candidate’s Twitter account and on the Tweets sent and Retweeted by the candidate’s account. Labels contain information about the office the candidate is running for, the state the office is located in, and (when applicable) the district number.

Additionally, these labels include a small government building icon  to signal the account’s status as a candidate running for government office.

Which candidates currently have a US election label?

Currently, labels appear on Twitter accounts of candidates running for office during the 2018 US midterm general elections who:

  • Are running for state Governor, or for the US Senate or US House of Representatives.
  • Have qualified to appear on the general election ballot.
  • Have a Twitter account that has been identified and confirmed as the candidate’s campaign account by Twitter and Ballotpedia.

What is Ballotpedia?

Ballotpedia is a politically neutral organization and a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. It is an online encyclopedia of American politics and elections whose goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information at all levels of government. In partnership with Twitter, Ballotpedia will help identify and confirm the campaign Twitter account of candidates running in the 2018 US midterm election who qualify for a label.

Are you a political candidate and need more information? 

If you are a candidate running in the US 2018 midterm elections for state Governor, or for the US House of Representatives or US Senate, and are seeking more information about US election labels, please ensure that your campaign Twitter account is listed on your Ballotpedia page, and look for a confirmation request sent to the email address associated with that Twitter account.

Update: When election labels first launched, applicable candidates were required to opt-in to the program in order to receive a label. That process has subsequently changed so that applicable candidates are now notified when they qualify for a label and are given seven days to opt-out before it is applied.


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