How does comment moderation work?

Last Updated: May 09, 2018 02:09PM PDT

At Periscope we're committed to creating a safe and transparent environment for our users. To that end, we launched a feature that empowers our community to report and vote on comments that they consider to be spam or abuse.

Here's how it works:
  1. During a broadcast, a viewer can report a comment as 'Abuse,' 'Spam,' or 'Other Reason'. The viewer who reported the comment will no longer see messages from that commenter for the remainder of the broadcast. Reporting a comment will not, however, block the user. You can still block users whose content or comments you no longer wish to see. 
  2. When a comment is reported, a few viewers will randomly be selected to decide if the comment is offensive. They’ll be asked to identify the reported comment as 'Abuse or Spam,' 'Looks OK,' or 'Not Sure'.
  3. If the majority of voters agree that the comment is abuse or spam, the commenter will be notified that their ability to chat in the broadcast has been temporarily disabled. Another offense will result in the user's chat capabilities being disabled for the remainder of the broadcast. Repeat offenses will result in the timed disabling of chat in other broadcasts the user enters.
Broadcasters can opt out of having their broadcasts moderated and viewers can opt out of participating in moderation. Learn more here
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