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Mike Montano
VP of 's consumer engineering team // Previously I co-founded // Alum of & 🇨🇦🇳🇱🇹🇹
Mike Montano retweeted
Suhail May 16
1/ Let's talk about fundraising: In 2009, Y Combinator only gave us $15K, half our YC batch died after demo day, 11 firms told us no, 2 firms wanted to find us a CEO, 1 VC told me, point blank, we would fail, we were a week away from death but luckily raised $500K @ 2M pre.
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Mike Montano May 15
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Mike Montano May 15
Hello ! Excited to be back in Cambridge where I started my journey in the US almost 10 years ago to the day.
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Mike Montano retweeted
maryann May 12
Gave a talk last night at about how to reduce unconscious bias in the interview process. Some highlights - (Examples are specific to software engineering, but can be applied to any field)
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Mike Montano May 10
Replying to @madeyemaryann
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Mike Montano May 10
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Mike Montano May 10
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Mike Montano May 8
Replying to @chanian @sweden
I’m going to jump in here and recommend Rolfs Kök as a must eat spot in Stockholm
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Mike Montano May 4
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Mike Montano Apr 25
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Mike Montano Apr 20
Replying to @gasca
We laminated a deck of cards when I was growing up to play euchre in the pool
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Mike Montano Apr 20
Replying to @Stammy
Thanks Stammy
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Mike Montano Apr 19
Replying to @trier @mrdonut
No, we don't show tweets shared by DMs. Those are tweets that are retweeted with comments. The text is confusing though. Will pass the feedback on. Thanks Trier!
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Mike Montano Apr 12
If my mom finds the photo it's going up on the internets for sure! We didn't have digital cameras back then so it's probably buried in a show box somewhere.
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Mike Montano Apr 12
Replying to @michaelmontano
In elementary school I dressed up as the Stanley Cup for halloween. True story.
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Mike Montano Apr 12
Thanks for stopping by HQ
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Mike Montano retweeted
Thoughts of Dog Apr 11
gooooob morning. i have a feeling. today will be a good day. and if it’s not. well that’s alright too. because there’s always tomorrow. and there’s always peanut butter
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Mike Montano Apr 10
Replying to @michaelmontano
3. The incredible support and mentorship provided by managers and leaders across the company => feedback and course corrections as you go
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Mike Montano Apr 10
Replying to @michaelmontano
2. The fact that it isn't always smooth sailing => you get your reps in on all kinds of difficult managing situations
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Mike Montano Apr 10
Replying to @michaelmontano
1. How small we are as a company relative to the size of our impact => hard problems, lots of leverage
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