Toys, Treats & Training

Customized for your puppy and delivered monthly.

Puppyhood is hard. PupBox makes it easier.

What's Included

We grow with your puppy, delivering all of the products and information you need on a monthly basis.


We let you know what’s going on with your baby and what you should be doing to keep up!


Meaty training treats will keep your pup motivated and focused on new games and lessons!


Teething toys, plush toys, rope toys, interactive toys and tough toys are rotated based on your pup’s development.


From grooming goodies to training essentials we get you the accessories you need when you need them.


Bones, bullys and jerkys will keep your pup happy, occupied and out of trouble!

Just For Your Puppy

With you every step of the way.

Everything in your PupBox is handpicked based on your puppy's specific needs. The products and training information included will walk you through every stage of development.

Puppies PupBox

All da pups in our pack love us. Don't believe me? Check out our pooches smiling for the camera #pupbox

Train & Treat

Training is a major component of PupBox. All training guides are age specific to walk you through everything from housetraining and teething, to adolescence and into adulthood. Check out our online training platform for a sneak peak at your first lesson!


Re-Order Products

Love an item in your last PupBox? Re-order it from our shop and we will throw it in your next box. All of the products we choose are puppy tested and puppy approved. No edible items from overseas, minimal ingredient treats, and pawtastic toys.


and ...

Read more about our Shark Tank experience HERE