TV targeting

We believe Twitter and TV are highly complementary, and we’re working hard to make the TVxTwitter experience better for users, networks, and advertisers alike. To help advertisers build upon their TV strategies using Twitter, we’ve created a new targeting type for Promoted Tweets, called TV targeting.


  • What is TV Targeting?
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     TV targeting allows networks and brands to promote Tweets to people engaged with specific TV shows, before, during and after a telecast. TV targeting makes it easy for TV networks and brands to easily to promote Tweets to people engaged with specific TV shows, as well as sets of shows, by network or by genre.

    TV targeting gives advertisers the ability to:

    • Add frequency to existing TV campaigns
    • Add reach beyond a TV buy, or
    • Use TV signals as an approximation for demographics/interests
  • Is TV Targeting available in all markets?
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    TV targeting is available in US, UK, Spain, France, Canada, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, Ireland, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Japan, Netherlands, Australia, Kuwait, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, S. Africa (English programming only), and India (English programming only).  

  • How does TV targeting work?
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    Advertisers have three ways to reach Twitter users engaged with TV programming:

    TV show targeting: There are two options to reach people engaged with specific TV programming

    • Continuous targeting - deliver Promoted Tweets to users engaged with specific TV programs at any point your campaign is live. This is the default selection in the product interface.
    • New airing windows only - deliver Promoted Tweets to users engaged with specific TV programs around new show airings only. This is best used in coordination with serial TV programming, where brands consistently run TV ads.

    TV network targeting: Reach people engaged with programs that air on selected networks while your campaign is active. Twitter users will be available for targeting beginning at the start of each telecast, and will be targetable for roughly one day.

    TV genre targeting: Reach people engaged with TV programs that air by genre (Comedy, Drama, etc.) while your campaign is active. Twitter users will be available for targeting beginning at the start of each telecast, and will be targetable for roughly one day.

  • Can gender, device, language or geo-targeting be added to TV targeted campaigns?
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    Yes. You may overlay gender, device, language or geo-targeting to TV targeted campaigns. Note that narrowing your targeting will limit your campaign’s overall reach.

  • Is reach estimation available for TV targeting?
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    Yes and no. We offer audience size estimates for individual TV shows that are added to TV targeting campaigns. The size of the blue circular icon for each show indicates the size of the user pool for that show and the exact estimated audience is listed after each show name. The volume size for each show is likely to fluctuate day by day, especially when that show airs on TV and sees a flux in users tweeting.We do not offer volume sizing for genres or networks at this time, though we hope to add this feature soon.

  • How does TV targeting differ from Keyword targeting?
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    TV targeting is a broad-reaching targeting tool that enables you to target shows by simply selecting the title. Keyword targeting can achieve similar show targeting but requires manual effort to create exhaustive keyword lists. Additionally, TV targeting makes it easier and more robust to target titles that would otherwise seem ambiguous with keyword targeting eg. Scandal, Suits, Sunday Brunch, etc.

  • How are people placed into the TV ad audience pool?
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    We use a number of different signals on Twitter to identify people that have a high likelihood of seeing a TV show. Part of this is based on what a user Tweets (in line with when shows air on TV). We’re actively tuning our predictive algorithm to find users that we believe have seen the TV show and will be likely to engage with your Promoted Tweets.

  • Will TV targeting be available for other countries not listed above?
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    Yes- we’re working hard to bring TV targeting to more countries internationally. Stay tuned for all the latest updates at

  • Why are some features disabled for my campaign?
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    Some features such as Network and Genre selection, and New Airing targeting are only available in some markets. If your campaign is targeting a beta market where these features are not enabled they will be disabled for your campaign.

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