Product news

Expanding In-Stream Video Ads to more advertisers globally

By ‎@mep‎

In today’s media landscape, consumers are in the driver’s seat as they consume content when and where they want. As a marketer, you need to find new ways to capture people’s attention on their terms. Twitter's In-Stream Video Ads connect brands to compelling, brand-safe video content, allowing marketers to capture consumers' attention when they are most receptive. Today, we’re making In-Stream Video Ads available to all advertisers — including self-serve — in 12 global markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, India, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States.  

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Align with premium, brand-safe videos to connect with your audience

In-Stream Video Ads allow marketers to connect with their audience through pre-roll ads that kick off the videos people love. In the United States, we’ve partnered with more than 200 of the best video publishers in the world, including top TV networks, teams from major sports leagues, and professional news outlets like Business Insider, CNN, Condé Nast Entertainment, Fox News, Fox Sports, Hearst Magazines Digital Media, IGN, Meredith Corporation, and Reuters. Every day, they’re sharing brand-safe videos that your audience is eager to discover. From catching must-see sports highlights to watching clips of top TV shows, people on Twitter love that they can watch what’s happening.



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Pizza Hut used In-Stream Video Ads to promote its Hut Rewards program.

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New research shows the effectiveness of In-Stream Video Ads

Time and again, In-Stream Video Ad campaigns drive positive shifts in key brand metrics for advertisers. Based on U.S. Nielsen Brand Effect data, people who saw In-Stream Video Ads on Twitter were 70% more likely to recall the brand’s ad, 28% more likely to be aware of the advertiser’s brand, and had a 6% higher purchase intent (versus those not exposed to video ads). 

Advertisers are able to achieve these positive results because the mindset of the audience on Twitter is extremely unique — these aren’t people who sit back and watch the world just scroll by. They’re engaged. They’re curious. On average, we see that people are 31% more likely to remember what they see on Twitter versus general online browsing. We’re excited to roll In-Stream Video Ads out to more advertisers and help them achieve their KPIs.


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For marketers wondering how this new video ad product will work in tandem with their existing Twitter video ad campaigns, we have you covered. We partnered with Dentsu Aegis (@DentsuAegis) and Kantar Millward Brown (@K_MillwardBrown) and found that increased frequency of exposure to multiple video ad formats (e.g. In-Stream Video Ads + Promoted Video) increases brand health metrics across the funnel. In the U.S., exposure to two video ad formats versus one video ad format improves ad recall by 19 percentage points (pp), brand awareness by 4.7pp, and purchase intent by 3.1pp.



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“DAN has been working with Twitter on behalf of more than a dozen brands and seen great success. Twitter's unique value is clear: brands can reach audiences watching premium, brand-safe digital video. In-Stream Video Ads have allowed us to guarantee our clients can reach their target audiences at scale.”

Michael Law

EVP, Managing Director, US Media Investment, Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN)

Getting started is simple

Extending your video ad campaign to Twitter is easy. With In-Stream Video Ads, no community management is needed, and marketers with video ads can start a campaign at

For marketers that want to create Twitter-specific video ads, but lack the time, resources, or insights, Twitter’s Fuel team provides editing services to optimize creative without losing impact. This service can also be leveraged in conjunction with research studies for robust campaign performance analytics. To date, early results show lift in brand metrics performing well above benchmarks.

To learn more about our video ad solutions, reach out to your Twitter account representative, or head to


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