Giles Peyton-Nicoll


Londoner in San Francisco. Design Director - Always be creating.

San Francisco, CA
Дата регистрации: июль 2009 г.


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  1. 3 часа назад
  2. 5 окт.

    A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just Begins to live That day. - Emily Dickinson

  3. 4 окт.

    “Alignment is what drives performance, not process. When teams are misaligned we throw process at the problem.” / looking forward to reading this.

  4. 24 сент.

    “The faster you run in the hamster wheel, the faster it spins.”

  5. 23 авг.

    Tears of joy and sadness. 873 Days separated - Keep them together longer than 3 days and

  6. 11 авг.

    Looks like the sun got a new set of eyelashes

  7. 3 авг.

    The best! making my day, every day!

  8. 31 июл.

    Listen before we speak and learn before we teach.

  9. ретвитнул(а)
    31 июл.

    So there’s this town in Spain called , which runs ENTIRELY on Twitter. Chat to the mayor, order a coffee, report a broken streetlight, connect with the police, birth announcements, all the things! Colour me inspired 😍

  10. 31 июл.

    So good seeing our amazing leadership take the stage at - proud to be working with you.

  11. 30 июл.

    lunch with this beautiful group

  12. 23 июл.

    When someone throws bricks at you, build a wall with them.

  13. 7 июл.

    Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do!

  14. 15 июн.

    Do you grab your phone at the first sign of social awkwardness or boredom? Grab one of these instead. You won’t look crazy I promise.

  15. 13 июн.

    Highlight of the day was chatting with changemaker and badass . Thanking for your sharing your journey and your wisdom.

  16. ретвитнул(а)
    11 июн.

    Happy Birthday Gabriella. With our love and hope you will be reunited soon x

  17. 4 июн.

    Heading to my first game this evening and my daughter will be singing the opening with her school choir.

  18. 22 мая

    No, I wont be sharing!

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  19. 22 мая

    My mother in-law just arrived and brought Percy Pigs with her from the UK. Today is a good day.

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  20. ретвитнул(а)
    15 мая

    Happening TODAY! 11am PST. Join us via Periscope.


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