I am writing this concerning a longstanding issue with the Twitter Embedded Timelines/Lists/etc.

This issue was directly addressed in this Developer Forum Topic: How to show quoted tweets in widget

The response from a Staff Member of Twitter was this: “Unfortunately our widgets don’t support rendering quoted Tweets yet. However, the Tweets in the widget today do have a link to the quoted Tweet so your users can still read the quoted Tweet by clicking on it.”

So in this response, the staff member says that there should be a link to the quoted tweet. However that does not seem to be the case.

Here is an example. The first picture is of the “Twitter List” on Desktop SHOWING the “Quoted Tweet” on one of the Tweets by username “Jay King”

Here is a photo of the embedded timeline with the SAME tweet by user “Jay King”, with the tweet that should have the “Quoted Tweet”. As referenced on the previous Developer Forum Topic I linked at the beginning of this topic, your staff member responded that the Quoted Tweet should appear as a link, so a user could at least click to get to it. However as you see in the picture below, that link is nowhere to be found.

Is there something I am missing here? I am pretty confident I am reading the Staff response on the previous topic correctly as to the fact that I should be seeing a link to the quoted tweet on the new Embedded Widget system. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes, it looks like the previous comment on this may have been inaccurate (or that there was a regression in this behaviour since it was posted). Also note that this functionality may differ between the Web and in mobile (Twitter Kit SDK).

We’re aware that Quote Tweets are currently missing in embedded Timelines and this is a known issue we’d like to improve on in the future.

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Has there been any movement on this? It seems to have been hanging around for quite a while and would be a cool thing to be able to sort out. Otherwise some tweets, just look weird!

Thanks for following up on this! This appears to have been missed by us. We’ve filed a ticket for this internally and will follow up on this post once resolved.



Is this something that may be resolved soon? Exciting news if so!

Awesome, good to hear, although a little sad that it wasn’t picked up sooner.

As of last week this has been resolved. We still don’t support the rendering of the quoted Tweet, but a link to the quoted Tweet does appear and is clickable. Let us know if you are still having issues.

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Thank you so much for the response and update on this! Much appreciated :slight_smile:


Awesome, good to hear! Much appreciated.

Hey @ JohnC,
Have you found solution for "not showing “quoted tweets” because i am into tech field i want to embed some quoted tweets into this https://best65inchtv2020.info but it’s showing blank white box instead of tweets… What should i do now? :frowning: