I validated my website for a twitter card and received the message below. However, card is not showing up in tweet. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

INFO: Page fetched successfully
INFO: 26 metatags were found
INFO: twitter:card = summary_large_image tag found
INFO: Card loaded successfully

Can you provide a link to the site where you’ve included the Card?

Also, does the Card show in the Tweet detail view? They do not show in the main timeline, you need to click into the Tweet itself to see the Cards.

This is the link I used to validate my website.

Your card is working fine - I just Tweeted your link, and the card shows when you click View Summary (as expected).

Ok, thanks. It would be nice if twitter allowed your card to show up already expanded instead of having to click “view summary”. This change would get tweets more noticed and create less confusion.

Yes, we understand that. Actually if you promote the Tweet via our ads platform, it will be expanded in the timeline, but currently they are not expanded otherwise unless you click through to the detail view.

Hi My twittercard was approved about 6 months ago but now when tweet my content, the card does not show up. Please help, thank you.

Update: Just attempted to re-validate my card url and received this message:

: Page fetched successfully
INFO: 17 metatags were found
ERROR: No card found (Card error)

We’ll need to see an example URL in order to help you debug! :slight_smile:

Here is my url: https://candaceworthen.wordpress.com/

Hello I am having a similar issue. The Card validator is displaying my summary card correctly, however, when I actually share it through a “share button” it does not display a twitter card on my timeline, it only shows a regular tweet. Can someone help me with this please?

URL: http://cutera.com/enlightenMe-share.aspx

Thank you.

your card is working fine, and shows up in the Tweet detail view as expected.

Your site looks good - the top level URL has no card attached, but individual posts are using summary_large_image cards and should work fine. Here’s an example Tweet with your most recent fireworks post attached - https://twitter.com/evilpiper/status/621242942053818368

Hi, hope you don’t mind me adding here, but I have the same issue.

There are various tweet buttons (homepage) but when I tweet, there is no “view summary” and no card. It was working until yesterday when I turned off the card output (via Yoast plugin), but since I reenabled and adjusted the text output with the Tweet, it stopped working.

This is the site/page: http://saveafricanhistory.handsupstaging.com/

Been testing it here: https://twitter.com/reflexlabtest


Hi, Andy!

Same for me as well, I think I have the write code inside my Tumblr HTML, and I am using a custom domain instead of name.tumblr.com with my Tumblr account. I could swear it was working in the past, and validator seems to be working OK, but no dice on Twitter Details page, and in the new Timeline view as well.


Hi Andy,

Thanks. How do I get my top level URL card attached and not just individual posts?

Same thing here. The Card validator is displaying my summary card correctly, however, when I actually share it through a “share button” it does not display a twitter card on my timeline, it only shows a regular tweet.

What is the link with your card, and can you provide an example Tweet?

Lots of useful information in our troubleshooting page and post.

Thanks for trying to help. I can’t figure out what the issue is and I can’t find usefull help anywhere. These things shouldn’t be so complicated. The site is still at an early development stage but this is the link: http://louzanimales.pt/teste/caes-para-adopcao/01.htm

I just Tweeted your link and the card shows up fine. Cards only show in Twitter’s own mobile apps and web app, and not in the Tweet intent or web Tweet composer windows.

Well I just tweeted it and I went to my twitter account profile to see how it looked like and it shows no Title, no Description, no Image and no Linking to the page I want to share. I copyed the link for the tweet, see for yourself: https://twitter.com/davidxmartins/status/806170177171783680